Retirement Division July 19, 2018 Minutes of Meeting State Employees Retirement Commission - Amended

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A regular meeting of the State Employees Retirement Commission (the �Commission�) was held on July 19, 2018, in 7th Floor Conference Room at 55 Elm Street, Hartford Connecticut.  The meeting convened at 9:00 a.m. and the following members of the Commission were present:


The following members of the Commission were absent:

Also present were:

 Call to Order

Chairman Adomeit called the meeting to order at 9:12 a.m. 

Chairman's Report 

The Chairman announced that he has appointed Ms. Nolen to the Actuarial Subcommittee.


Division Director's Report 

The Division is working on preparing invoices for all active members affected by the SAG award by September 2018.  

Division Director's Report

Disability Retirements
Pending Disability Applications as of  4/2018 5/2018 6/2018 7/2018
Pending Applications 337 326 295 289
Applications preliminary reviewed  92 63 65 62
Applications waiting for documentation  245 263 230 227
Applications scheduled 116 125 131 156
Total Pending 453 451 426 445
Number of Applications Received  18 24 18 20
Number of Applications on the Agenda 25 48 24 16
Number of Application Approved 15 35 14 14
24-Month Review Cases
On the list for 24-Month Review (Past and Future) 222 270 261 244
Collecting SSD 58 73 56 59
Part of the Backlog 18 23 13 22
Not Collecting SSD 187 196 205 185
Part of the Backlog 117 112 108 101
MEB Scheduled 23 21 24 36
ARP to Hybrid Retirements
Retirees 4 4 12 8
Prospective 0 0 0 0
Transfer 6 2 2 4
Waiver 0 0 0 0
Total 10 6 14 12
Audited and sent invoices  80 60 0 0
Total Outstanding to be audited 375 318 318 323
To date
Retirees 538 540 540 541
Prospective 5 5 5 5
Transfer 1465 1466 1466 1470
Waiver 9 9 9 9
Total 2017 2020 2020 2025
Retirements in Audit
Retirements Processed  212 106 119 133
Regular  185 74 98 109
Voluntary Pending 7 4 4 6
New Disability 8 21 11 6
Disability Finalized 12 7 6 112

Deputy Comptroller Carlson did not have anything to add.


New Matters

1. Request Commission Approval of the June 21, 2018 minutes.

  1. At 9:16, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Fortier to approve the June 21, 2018 minutes.
  2. Mr. Carey, Ms. Mandour and Ms. Nolen abstained.
  3. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  4. The Commission voted unanimously in favor, with Mr. Carey, Ms. Mandour and Ms. Nolen abstaining, in favor to approve the June 21, 2018 minutes.

2. Request Commission Approval of the State Employees Retirement Commission Chairman's Per Diem Expenses.

  1. At 9:16, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton to approve the State Employees Retirement Commission Chairman's Per Diem Expenses.
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to approve the State Employees Retirement Commission Chairman's Per Diem Expenses.

3. Request Commission Approval of the State Employees Retirement Commission Union Trustee Claude Poulin Per Diem and Travel Expenses.

  1. At 9:17, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton to approve the State Employees Retirement Commission Union Trustee's Per Diem and Travel Expense.
  2. Mr. Poulin abstained.
  3. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  4. The Commission voted unanimously in favor, with Mr. Poulin abstaining, to approve the State Employees Retirement Commission Union Trustee's Claude Poulin Per Diem and Travel Expenses.

4. Request Commission Acceptance of the July 2018 Billing from Robinson and Cole for federal tax matters.

  1. At 9:17, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Fortier to accept the Billing from Robinson & Cole for federal tax matters.
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to accept the Billing from Robinson & Cole for federal tax matters.

5. Request Commission Acceptance of the July 2018 Invoices from Rose Kallor.

  1. At 9:17, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Fortier to accept the Invoices from Rose Kallor.
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to accept the Invoices from Rose Kallor.

6. Request Commission Approval of the Connecticut State Employees Retirement System Service Retirements for the Month of June 2018. 

  1. At 9:18, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton to approve the Connecticut State Employees Retirement System Service Retirements for the Month of June 2018. 
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to approve the Connecticut State Employees Retirement System Service Retirements for the Month of June 2018. 

7. Request Commission Approval of the Connecticut State Employees Retirement System Voluntary Pending Retirements for the Month of June 2018. 

  1. At 9:18, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton to approve the Connecticut State Employees Retirement System Voluntary Pending Retirements for the Month of June 2018.
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to approve the Connecticut State Employees Retirement System Voluntary Pending Retirements for the Month of June 2018.

8. Request Commission Approval of the Connecticut State Employees System Disability Retirements for the Month of June 2018.   

  1. At 9:18, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton to approve the Connecticut State Employees System Disability Retirements for the Month of June 2018. 
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to approve the Connecticut State Employees System Disability Retirements for the Month of June 2018.

9. Request Commission Approval of the Connecticut State Employees System Retroactive Retirements for the Month of June 2018.

  1. At 9:18, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton to approve the Connecticut State Employees System Retroactive Retirements for the Month of June 2018.
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to approve the Connecticut State Employees System Retroactive Retirements for the Month of June 2018.

10.  Request Commission Approval of the Municipal Retirement System Retirements for the Month of June 2018.

  1. At 9:18, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton to approve the Municipal Retirement System Retirements for the June 2018.
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to approve the Municipal Retirement System Retirements for the month of June 2018.

11.  Request Commission Approval of the Municipal Retirement System Disability Retirements Denied by the Medical Examining Board.

  1. At 9:19, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Fortier to approve the Municipal Retirement System Disability Retirements Denied by the Medical Examining Board.
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to approve the Municipal Retirement System Disability Retirements Denied by the Medical Examining Board.

12.  Request Commission Acceptance of the Recommendations by the Medical Examining Board for the Continued Entitlement Approvals.

  1. At 9:19, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Fortier to accept the Recommendations by the Medical Examining Board for the Continued Entitlement Approvals.
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to accept the Recommendations by the Medical Examining Board for the Continued Entitlement Approvals.

13.  Request Commission Acceptance of the Recommendations by the Medical Examining Board for the Continued Entitlement Denials.

  1. At 9:19, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to accept the Recommendations by the Medical Examining Board for the Continued Entitlement Denials.
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion chairman called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to accept the Recommendations by the Medical Examining Board for the Continued Entitlement Denials.

14.  Request Commission Approval of the Retirement Services Division Request to Discontinue the Disability Applications Due to the One Year Deadline Associated with the Right to Ask for a Reconsideration of the Medical Examining Board Denial.

  1. At 9:19, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to approve the Retirement Services Division Request to Discontinue the Disability Applications Due to the One Year Deadline Associated with the Right to Ask for a Reconsideration of the Medical Examining Board Denial.
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to approve the Retirement Services Division Request to Discontinue the Disability Applications Due to the One Year Deadline Associated with the Right to Ask for a Reconsideration of the Medical Examining Board Denial.  

15.  Request Commission Approval of the Probate Judges and Employees Retirement Fund Personnel Expenses for the Pay Period May 11, 2018 through June 7, 2018.

  1.  At 9:20, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton to approve the Probate Judges and Employees Retirement Fund Personnel Expenses for the Pay Period May 11, 2018 through June 7, 2018.
  2.  Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.
  3.  The Commission voted unanimously in favor to approve the Probate Judges and Employees Retirement Fund Personnel Expenses for the Pay Period May 11, 2018 through June 7, 2018.

16. Request Commission Acceptance of the Subcommittee on Purchase of Service and Related Matters Recommendations from the June 26, 2018 Meeting.

  1. At 9:20, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Fortier to approve the Subcommittee on Purchase of Service and Related Matters Recommendations from the June 26, 2018 Meeting.
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There was discussion. Mr. McLellan wanted it reflected on the record that on the purchasing minutes for Mr. Lautier he was against the motion.  
  3. The Commission voted unanimously, with the change to Mr. McLellan's vote, to approve the Subcommittee on Purchase of Service and Related Matters Recommendations from the June 26, 2018 Meeting.

17. Request Commission Approval of the Office of the State Comptroller's Plan for Administering the New Requirement Pursuant to the 2017 SEBAC Agreement for Individuals on State Retirement Disability to Apply for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (SSDI). 

  1. At 9:21, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Fortier to approve the Office of the State Comptroller'
    s Plan for Administering the New Requirement Pursuant to the 2017 SEBAC Agreement for Individuals on State Retirement Disability to Apply for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (SSDI). 
  2. Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There was discussion. Mr. Wojcik[CC1]  explained why the Office of the State Comptroller was looking for a third party vendor to assist members that are on state disability retirement with enrolling in SSDI.
  3. The motion was amended, which was accepted by Mr. Casella and seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton, to approve the Office of the State Comptroller's Plan for Administering the New Requirement Pursuant to the 2017 SEBAC Agreement for Individuals on State Retirement Disability to Apply for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (SSDI), subject to legal counsel'
    s advice on the Commission's authority to hire a vendor for said purposes. 
  4.  The Commission voted unanimously to approve the Office of the State Comptroller's Plan for Administering the New Requirement Pursuant to the 2017 SEBAC Agreement for Individuals on State Retirement Disability to Apply for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (SSDI), subject to legal counsel's advice on the Commission's authority to hire a vendor for said purposes. 

At 9:50, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Fortier to go into executive session for purposes of discussing items 1-12.  Attorney Barth, Attorney Cieslak, John Herrington, Colin Newman, Attorney Rose and Attorney Sullivan were invited by the Commission to stay for executive session. The Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote. The Commission voted unanimously in favor to enter executive session for Items 1-12.

Executive Session � Discussion and Possible Action

  1. State Aided Institutions and SEBAC 2017 Contribution - written legal opinion.
  2. Plan compilation - Filing and related items - written legal opinion.
  3. Power of Attorney inquiry - written legal opinion.
  4. Catherine Crandle - written legal opinion/pending claim.
  5. Jeremy Wiganowske - pending litigation.
  6. Pending MEB and disability retirement inquiries - written legal opinion.
  7. David Carter - pending litigation.
  8. Richard Kay - pending litigation.
  9. Thompson � pending litigation.
  10. Walenski - pending litigation.
  11. Ronald Johnson - pending claim.
  12. Gary Soracchi - pending litigation.

At 10:54a.m., Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton to exit executive session. The Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote. The Commission voted unanimously to exit executive session.

Public Session

At 10:55, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton for the Commission to require the retirement division to process the retirement contribution increase retroactively to July 1, 2017 for State-Aided Institution Employees, as it appears the 2017 SEBAC agreement applies to State-Aided Institution Employees effective as of July 1, 2017, as well as increasing the contributions for OPEB, pending clarification. The Chairman asked if there was any discussion. There being no discussion he called for a vote.  The motion passed unanimously.



With no further business before the Commission, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Brown Brewton to adjourn at 10:58 a.m.  The Commission voted unanimously to adjourn.


Respectfully Submitted by:

Peter Adomeit, Chairman

Prepared by John Herrington, Retirement Services Division Director

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