State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1998 General Purpose Financial Statements - Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures - Higher Education Funds

State of Connecticut

Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures,
and Other Changes
Higher Education Funds
For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1998
(Expressed in Thousands)
Current Funds
Unrestricted Restricted Total
Revenues and Transfers from Foundation:
Student Tuition and Fees $ 257,474 $ - $ 257,474
Federal Grants and Contracts 26,762 85,128 111,890
State Grants and Contracts 561 21,264 21,825
Private Gifts and Grants 12,604 11,814 24,418
Patient Service 83,073 - 83,073
Sales and Services 142,888 129 143,017
Investment Earnings 9,831 1,303 11,134
Miscellaneous 24,195 1,895 26,090
Total Revenues 557,388 121,533 678,921
Transfer from Foundation - 7,420 7,420
Total Revenues and Transfer from Foundation 557,388 128,953 686,341
Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers:
Education and General:
Instruction $ 378,947 $ 8,068 $ 387,015
Research 24,352 64,611 88,963
Public Service 22,997 10,714 33,711
Academic Support 92,270 1,921 94,191
Student Services 51,966 1,828 53,794
Institutional Support 156,376 1,028 157,404
Scholarship and Fellowships 39,087 40,219 79,306
Plant Operations and Maintenance 88,618 273 88,891
Total Educational and General Expenditures 854,613 128,662 983,275
Patient Care 86,060 177 86,237
Auxiliary Enterprises 94,275 114 94,389
Mandatory Transfers:
Retirement of Indebtedness 4,510 - 4,510
Total Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers 1,039,458 128,953 1,168,411
Other Transfers - Additions (Deductions):
Operating Transfers from the State's
Governmental Funds 517,309 - 517,309
Transfer to Foundation (3,604) - (3,604)
Other Non-mandatory Transfers (1,236) (2,638) (3,874)
Excess of Restricted Receipts over Transfers
to Revenues - 5,324 5,324
Refunded to Grantors. - (192) (192)
Change in Accounting for Compensated Absences (11,212) - (11,212)
Total Other Transfers and Additions (Deductions) 501,257 2,494 503,751
Net Increase (Decrease) in Fund Balances $ 19,187 $ 2,494 $ 21,681
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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