State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1998 - Combining Financial Statements - Fiduciary Funds - Combining Balance Sheet - Part I

State of Connecticut

Combining Balance Sheet
Fiduciary Funds

June 30, 1998
(Expressed in Thousands)

Expendable Trust
Retired Teachers' Health
Benefits Plan
Second Injury
& Compensation
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ - $ 1,002 $ 7,347 $ 39,315 $ 1,681
Equity in Combined Investment Fund - - - - -
External Investment Pool - - - -
Other - 136,395 - 24,050 1,762
Securities Lending Collateral - - - - -
Accounts, Net of Allowances 11,986 1,781 - 617 -
Loans Receivable - - - - -
Interest. - 5 - 15 -
Federal Grants Receivable - - - - -
Deposits with U.S. Treasury 740,135 - - - -
Due From Other Funds 493 - 2,066 - -
Receivable From Other Governments 2,002 - - - -
Inventories and Prepaid Items - - 4,022 160 -
Restricted Assets - - - - -
Other Assets - - - - -
Total Assets $ 754,616 $ 139,183 $ 13,435 $ 64,157 $ 3,443
Liabilities and Equity:
Accounts Payable and Accrued
$ 300 $ - $ - $ 19,739 $ -
Due to Other Funds. 7,800 - - - -
Payable to Other Governments 162 - - - -
Deferred Revenue. 7,189 1,421 - - -
Deferred Compensation Liability - - - - -
Agency Deposit Liabilities - - - - -
Revenue Bonds - - - - -
Securities Lending Obligation. - - - - -
Total Liabilities 15,451 1,421 - 19,739 -
Fund Balances:
Reserved Trust Activities - - - - -
Reserved For Employees' Pension Benefits - - - - -
Reserved For Pool Participants - - - -
Unreserved, undesignated 739,165 137,762 13,435 44,418 3,443
Total Fund Balances 739,165 137,762 13,435 44,418 3,443
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 754,616 $ 139,183 $ 13,435 $ 64,157 $ 3,443


Nonexpendable Trust
Sailors, &
Other Pension External Investment
Agency Total
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 3,666 $ - $ 4,007 $ 18,324 $ - $ 144,542 $ 219,884
Equity in Combined Investment Fund - 58,528 22,118 18,292,981 - - 18,373,627
External Investment Pool - - - - 959,872 959,872
Other - - 2,760 - - 624,370 789,337
Securities Lending Collateral - 5,118 1,702 1,682,548 - - 1,689,368
Receivables: -
Accounts, Net of Allowances - - - 14,042 - 1,277 29,703
Loans Receivable 437,586 - - - - 56 437,642
Interest. 9,249 4 9 2,020 4,109 85 15,496
Federal Grants Receivable 16 - - - - - 16
Deposits with U.S. Treasury - - - - - - 740,135
Due From Other Funds - - 3 6,177 - 3,252 11,991
Receivable From Other Governments - - - 7,135 - 20 9,157
Inventories and Prepaid Items - - - - - 27 4,209
Restricted Assets 375,473 - - - - - 375,473
Other Assets 3,622 - - - - 517,392 521,014
Total Assets $ 829,612 $ 63,650 $ 30,599 $ 20,023,227 $ 963,981 $ 1,291,021 $ 24,176,924
Liabilities and Equity:
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 7,879 $ - $ - $ 7 $ 4,817 $ 6,730 $ 39,472
Due to Other Funds. - 747 151 2,703 - 8,111 19,512
Payable to Other Governments - - - - - - 162
Deferred Revenue. - - - - - - 8,610
Deferred Compensation Liability - - - - - 622,199 622,199
Agency Deposit Liabilities - - - - - 653,981 653,981
Revenue Bonds 469,244 - - - - - 469,244
Securities Lending Obligation - 5,118 1,702 1,682,548 - - 1,689,368
Total Liabilities 477,123 5,865 1,853 1,685,258 4,817 1,291,021 3,502,548
Fund Balances:
Reserved Trust Activities 285,628 57,785 28,746 - - - 372,159
Reserved For Employees' Pension Benefits - - - 18,337,969 - - 18,337,969
Reserved For Pool Participants - - - - 959,164 - 959,164
Unreserved, undesignated 66,861 - - - - - 1,005,084
Total Fund Balances 352,489 57,785 28,746 18,337,969 959,164 - 20,674,376
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 829,612 $ 63,650 $ 30,599 $ 20,023,227 $ 963,981 $ 1,291,021 $ 24,176,924

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