State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1997 General Purpose Financial Statements - Statement of Changes in Plan Net Assets - Pension Trust Funds (Defined Benefit Pension Plans)

State of Connecticut

Statement of Changes in Plan Net Assets
Pension Trust Funds (Defined Benefit Pension Plans)

For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1997
(Expressed in Thousands)

Plan Participants $37,876 $148,731 $ 986 $ 29,729 $ 177 $ 35 $ 217,534
State 261,542 147,885 9,342 - - - 418,769
Federal and Other 87,689 - - - - - 87,689
Total Contributions387,107 296,616 10,328 29,729 177 35 723,992
Investment Income:
Dividends122,463 175,640 1,876 19,172 1,079 13 320,243
Interest126,056 179,208 1,754 19,471 997 17 327,503
Securities Lending28,686 41,141 439 4,491 253 3 75,013
Net Appreciation(Depreciation) in Fair Value
of Investments763,276 1,094,708 11,694 119,493 6,725 81 1,995,977
Investment Expenses:
Investment Advisory Fees (13,475) (19,326) (206) (2,110) (119) (1) (35,237)
Security Lending Expenses (26,693)(38,283) (409) (4,179) (235) (3) (69,802)
Other Investment Expense (320)(459) (5) (50) (3) - (837)
Total Net Investment Income999,993 1,432,629 15,143 156,288 8,697 110 2,612,860
Miscellaneous678 - - - - - 678
Total Additions1,387,778 1,729,245 25,471 186,017 8,874 145 3,337,530
Administrative 595 - 7 7 1 - 610
Benefit Payments and Refunds 450,283 478,327 10,286 38,714 1,542 91 979,243
Other Program Expenses - - - - 401 - 401
Total Deductions 450,878 478,327 10,293 38,721 1,944 91 980,254
Net Increase (Decrease) Before Transfers936,900 1,250,918 15,178 147,296 6,930 54 2,357,276
Operating Transfers In - - - - 688 - 688
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets936,900 1,250,918 15,178 147,296 7,618 54 2,357,964
Net assets held in trust for pension benefits:
July 1, 1996 (as restated) 5,237,241 7,451,364 83,652 830,682 45,198 645 13,648,782
June 30, 1997 $6,174,141 $8,702,282 $98,830 $ 977,978 $ 52,816 $ 699 $ 16,006,746

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