State of Connecticut Annual Report of the State Comptroller Budgetary Basis - Accounting Basis of the Report


This report has been prepared on a modified cash basis of accounting, consistent with the prior fiscal year.

Expenditures are charged against appropriations of the year in which they are paid.

Revenues are recognized when received except, in the General and Transportation Funds, for certain accrued taxes and Indian gaming payments and for Federal and other restricted grant revenues which are recognized when earned. The amount of accrued taxes and Indian gaming payments recorded at June 30, 1999, and June 30, 1998, are as follows:

Fiscal Year Ended June 30,
(In Thousands)
1999 1998
General Fund
Sales and Use $ 332,168 $ 319,128
Personal Income 216,843 197,396
Hospital Gross Receipts 30,884 33,584
Public Service Corporations 32,192 33,052
Corporation 22,070 29,134
Petroleum Companies 18,448 17,993
Cigarettes 8,037 7,972
Alcoholic Beverages 3,862 3,586
Indian Gaming Payments 24,378 22,828
Total General Fund 688,882 664,673
Transportation Fund
Gasoline 39,458 40,486
Special Motor Fuel 3,855 3,941
Motor Carrier Road 620 432
Total Transportation Fund 43,933 44,859
Totals $ 732,815 $ 709,532

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