Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015 COMBINING FUNDS STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES - NONMAJOR FUNDS - Combining Statement of Net Position Nonmajor Enterprise Funds

Combining Statement of Net Position
Nonmajor Enterprise Funds

June 30, 2015
(Expressed in Thousands)
Second Injury
& Compensation
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents $34,616 $168 $7,657 $42,441
Accounts Receivable, Net of Allowances 7,726 264 - 7,990
Loans, Net of Allowances - - 44,237 44,237
Interest Receivable - - 723 723
Due From Other Funds - - - -
Due From Other Governments - - 494 494
Restricted Assets - - - -
Inventories - - -
Other 8 - - 8
Total Current Assets 42,350 432 53,111 95,893
Noncurrent Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents - - 75,763 75,763
Investments - - - -
Loans, Net of Allowances - - 77,088 77,088
Restricted Assets - 14,247 54,392 68,639
Capital Assets, Net of Accumulated Depreciation - 26,988 - 26,988
Other Noncurrent Assets - 438 - 438
Total Noncurrent Assets - 41,673 207,243 248,916
Total Assets 42,350 42,105 260,354 344,809
Deferred Outflows of Resources
Unamortized Losses on Bond Refundings - - 203 203
Total Deferred Outflows of Resources - - 203 203
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities 7,825 2,533 906 11,264
Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 522 2,435 7,343 10,300
Deferred Revenue - - - -
Other Current Liabilities - - - -
Total Current Liabilities 8,347 4,968 8,249 21,564
Noncurrent Liabilities:
Noncurrent Portion of Long-Term Liabilities 1,244 62,681 84,246 148,171
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 1,244 62,681 84,246 148,171
Total Liabilities 9,591 67,649 92,495 169,735
Net Position (Deficit)
Net Investment in Capital Assets - (6,022) - (6,022)
Restricted for:
Debt Service - 4,508 - 4,508
Drinking Water Projects - - 139,912 139,912
Nonexpendable Purposes - - - -
Other Purposes - - - -
Unrestricted (Deficit) 32,759 (24,030) 28,150 36,879
Total Net Position (Deficit) $32,759 $(25,544) $168,062 $175,277