Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 8 Current Liabilities

Notes to the Financial Statements

June 30, 2015

Note 8 Current Liabilities

a. Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities

As of June 30, 2015, accounts payable and accrued liabilities consisted of the following (amounts in thousands):

Total Payables
Salaries and & Accrued
Vendors Benefits Interest Other Liabilities
Governmental Activities:
General $ 163,629 $ 182,150 $ - $ - $ 345,779
Transportation 12,938 10,318 - - 23,256
Restricted Accounts 201,486 9,573 - - 211,059
Grants and Loans 12,071 102 - 1,003 13,176
Other Governmental 62,567 6,813 - - 69,380
Internal Service 1,047 858 - - 1,905
Reconciling amount from fund
financial statements to
government-wide financial
statements - - 192,795 4,162 196,957
Total-Governmental Activities $ 453,738 $ 209,814 $ 192,795 $ 5,165 $ 861,512
Business-Type Activities:
UConn/Health Center $ 99,494 $ 73,250 $ - $ 33,982 $ 206,726
State Universities 18,165 38,815 2,336 - 59,316
Other Proprietary 12,734 23,347 11,828 14,564 62,473
Total-Business-Type Activities $ 130,393 $ 135,412 $ 14,164 $ 48,546 $ 328,515
Component Units:
CHFA $ - $ - $ 15,169 $ 6,119 $ 21,288
Connecticut Lottery Corporation 2,224 3,231 1,882 7,378 14,715
Connecticut Airport Authority 7,004 4,147 1,284 4,378 16,813
Other Component Units 6,846 - 998 58,320 66,164
Total-Component Units $ 16,074 $ 7,378 $ 19,333 $ 76,195 $ 118,980