Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 COMBINING FUNDS STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES - NONMAJOR FUNDS - Combining Statement of Net Assets Nonmajor Component Units

Combining Statement of Net Position
Nonmajor Component Units

June 30, 2014
(Expressed in Thousands)
Higher Connecticut     Clean
Education Health Connecticut   Capital Energy
Supplemental and Educational Resources Connecticut   Region Finance and
Loan Facilities Recovery Innovations, UConn Development Investment
Authority Authority Authority Incorporated Foundation Authority Authority Total
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents $2,156 $361 $58,827 $32,393 $2,568 $12,866 $71,359 $180,530
Investments - 11,617 - 943 413,444 - - 426,004
Accounts, Net of Allowances - 617 14,058 - 8,179 974 7,950 31,778
Loans, Net of Allowances 18,605 - - 5,604 - - - 24,209
Interest Receivable 611 - - 1,703 - - - 2,314
Due From Primary Government - - - 544 - - - 544
Restricted Assets 41,428 407,730 2,694 - - 5,462 - 457,314
Inventories - - 6,069 - - - - 6,069
Other Current Assets 16 80 2,328 217 - 459 1,282 4,382
Total Current Assets 62,816 420,405 83,976 41,404 424,191 19,761 80,591 1,133,144
Noncurrent Assets:
Investments - - - 79,175 - - 1,000 80,175
Accounts, Net of Allowances - - - - 33,059 - - 33,059
Loans, Net of Allowances 105,353 - - 58,368 - 20,474 - 184,195
Restricted Assets 23,163 7,088 - 45,682 989 5,090 9,514 91,526
Capital Assets, Net of Accumulated Depreciation - 171 110,475 414 7,326 275,443 3,075 396,904
Other Noncurrent Assets 199 - 784 166 997 659 26,309 29,114
Total Noncurrent Assets 128,715 7,259 111,259 183,805 42,371 301,666 39,898 814,973
Total Assets 191,531 427,664 195,235 225,209 466,562 321,427 120,489 1,948,117
Deferred Outflows of Resources
Unamortized Losses on Bond Refundings - - - 145 - - - 145
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities 1,063 2,990 17,334 7,005 10,816 14,663 5,350 59,221
Current Portion of Long-Term Obligations 10,765 - 43 2,260 265 4,151 - 17,484
Due To Primary Government - - - - - 31,274 - 31,274
Amounts Held for Institutions - 407,730 - - - - - 407,730
Other Liabilities - - - 24,880 - - - 24,880
Total Current Liabilities 11,828 410,720 17,377 34,145 11,081 50,088 5,350 540,589
Noncurrent Liabilities:
Noncurrent Portion of Long-Term Obligations 164,086 2,182 3,500 12,721 29,762 97,970 - 310,221
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 164,086 2,182 3,500 12,721 29,762 97,970 - 310,221
Total Liabilities 175,914 412,902 20,877 46,866 40,843 148,058 5,350 850,810
Deferred Inflows of Resources
Other Deferred Inflows - - 2,592 - - - - 2,592
Net Position
Net Investment in Capital Assets - 171 110,476 414 (19,402) 143,323 3,074 238,056
Debt Service 64,591 - - - - - - 64,591
Expendable Endowments - - - - 101,465 - - 101,465
Nonexpendable Endowments - - - - 320,850 - - 320,850
Other Purposes - 4,906 548 12,477 - 25,886 8,144 51,961
Unrestricted (Deficit) (48,974) 9,685 60,742 165,597 22,806 4,160 103,921 317,937
Total Net Position $15,617 $14,762 $171,766 $178,488 $425,719 $173,369 $115,139 $1,094,860