Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Statement of Net Position

Statement of Net Position
June 30, 2014
(Expressed in Thousands)
Primary Government
Governmental Business-Type Component
Activities Activities Total Units
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents $1,001,312 $574,581 $1,575,893 $240,970
Deposits with U.S. Treasury - 209,496 209,496 -
Investments 113,069 124,622 237,691 439,868
Receivables, (Net of Allowances) 2,056,625 813,815 2,870,440 100,156
Due from Primary Government - - - 15,274
Inventories 50,317 10,781 61,098 6,069
Restricted Assets - 209,621 209,621 1,160,908
Internal Balances (180,720) 180,720 - -
Other Current Assets 8,394 69,854 78,248 7,515
Total Current Assets 3,048,997 2,193,490 5,242,487 1,970,760
Noncurrent Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents - 412,491 412,491 -
Due From Component Units 35,185 - 35,185 -
Investments - 61,564 61,564 205,560
Receivables, (Net of Allowances) 531,060 798,037 1,329,097 217,254
Restricted Assets 659,543 284,363 943,906 4,152,074
Capital Assets, (Net of Accumulated Depreciation) 12,539,625 3,781,204 16,320,829 751,356
Other Noncurrent Assets - 3,118 3,118 34,743
Total Noncurrent Assets 13,765,413 5,340,777 19,106,190 5,360,987
Total Assets 16,814,410 7,534,267 24,348,677 7,331,747
Deferred Outflows of Resources
Accumulated Decrease in Fair Value of Hedging Derivatives 8,700 - 8,700 78,852
Unamortized Losses on Bond Refundings 90,523 17,186 107,709 68,829
Other Deferred Outflows - 3,663 3,663 -
Total Deferred Outflows of Resources 99,223 20,849 120,072 147,681
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities 734,796 295,748 1,030,544 102,335
Due to Component Units 15,274 - 15,274 -
Due to Primary Government - - - 35,185
Due to Other Governments 216,059 3,117 219,176 -
Current Portion of Long-Term Obligations 1,793,748 170,154 1,963,902 398,957
Amount Held for Institutions - - - 407,730
Unearned Revenue 30,850 189,432 220,282 -
Medicaid Liability 530,497 - 530,497 -
Liability for Escheated Property 278,485 - 278,485 -
Other Current Liabilities 65,018 69,932 134,950 78,550
Total Current Liabilities 3,664,727 728,383 4,393,110 1,022,757
Noncurrent Liabilities:
Non-Current Portion of Long-Term Obligations 30,741,339 2,029,107 32,770,446 4,047,612
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 30,741,339 2,029,107 32,770,446 4,047,612
Total Liabilities 34,406,066 2,757,490 37,163,556 5,070,369
Deferred Inflows of Resources
Other Deferred Inflows - 16,772 16,772 2,592
Total Deferred Inflows of Resources - 16,772 16,772 2,592
Net Position
Net Investment in Capital Assets 5,776,818 3,169,151 8,945,969 457,806
Restricted For:
Transportation 125,395 - 125,395 -
Debt Service 611,208 4,508 615,716 71,040
Federal Grants and Other Accounts 38,003 - 38,003 -
Capital Projects 333,912 238,154 572,066 98,681
Unemployment Compensation - - - -
Grant and Loan Programs 479,448 - 479,448 -
Clean Water and Drinking Water Projects - 677,308 677,308 -
Bond Indenture Requirements - - - 945,099
Loans - 2,586 2,586 -
Permanent Investments or Endowments:
Expendable - - - 101,465
Nonexpendable 108,053 14,033 122,086 320,850
Other Purposes 99,738 128,622 228,360 54,329
Unrestricted (Deficit) (25,065,007) 546,492 (24,518,515) 357,197
Total Net Position (Deficit) $(17,492,432) $4,780,854 $(12,711,578) $2,406,467

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.