Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets Fiduciary Funds

Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets
Fiduciary Funds
June 30, 2014
(Expressed in Thousands)
Pension & Investment Purpose
Other Employee Trust Fund Trust Fund
Benefit External Escheat Agency
Trust Funds Investment Pool Securities Funds Total
Cash and Cash Equivalents $129,919 $- $- $160,146 $290,065
Accounts, Net of Allowances 34,572 - - 7,348 41,920
From Other Governments 2,099 - - - 2,099
From Other Funds 1,752 - - 4,279 6,031
Interest 1,123 616 - 9 1,748
Investments (See Note 4) 29,317,812 921,639 - - 30,239,451
Inventories - - - 13 13
Securities Lending Collateral 2,038,458 - - - 2,038,458
Other Assets - 65 608 386,520 387,193
Total Assets 31,525,735 922,320 608 $558,315 33,006,978
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities 66,988 116 - $53,920 121,024
Securities Lending Obligation 2,038,458 - - - 2,038,458
Due to Other Funds 5,918 - - - 5,918
Funds Held for Others - - - 504,395 504,395
Total Liabilities 2,111,364 116 - $558,315 2,669,795
Net Position
Held in Trust For:
Employees' Pension Benefits (Note 13) 29,135,808 - - 29,135,808
Other Employee Benefits (Note 15) 278,563 - - 278,563
Individuals, Organizations,
and Other Governments - 922,204 608 922,812
Total Net Position $29,414,371 $922,204 $608 $30,337,183

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.