Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets Proprietary Funds

Statement of Revenues, Expenses and
Changes in Fund Net Position
Proprietary Funds
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013
(Expressed in Thousands)
Business-Type Activities
Enterprise Funds
University of
Operating Revenues
Charges for Sales and Services $908,540 $348,042 $97,187 $47,629
Assessments - - - -
Federal Grants, Contracts, and Other Aid 179,366 43,540 91,086 -
State Grants, Contracts, and Other Aid 25,898 11,836 15,535 -
Private Gifts and Grants 42,805 3,067 2,817 -
Interest on Loans - - - -
Other 110,687 17,664 4,853 -
Total Operating Revenues 1,267,296 424,149 211,478 47,629
Operating Expenses
Salaries, Wages, and Administrative 1,586,193 582,715 420,951 43,604
Lottery Prize Awards - - - -
Unemployment Compensation - - - -
Claims Paid - - - -
Depreciation and Amortization 124,078 54,976 27,436 17,671
Other 152,403 20,945 40,109 -
Total Operating Expenses 1,862,674 658,636 488,496 61,275
Operating Income (Loss) (595,378) (234,487) (277,018) (13,646)
Nonoperating Revenue (Expenses)
Interest and Investment Income 968 1,138 145 270
Interest and Fiscal Charges (9,457) (7,781) - (6,078)
Other - Net 25,008 2,774 2,983 16,199
Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) 16,519 (3,869) 3,128 10,391
Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions, Grants,
and Transfers (578,859) (238,356) (273,890) (3,255)
Capital Contributions 11,675 39,939 - 7,109
Federal Capitalization Grants - - - -
Transfers In 521,827 294,832 274,389 10,483
Transfers Out - - - -
Special Item: Transfer to General Fund - - - -
Change in Net Position (45,357) 96,415 499 14,337
Total Net Position (Deficit) - Beginning (as restated) 1,933,506 889,126 781,702 300,829
Total Net Position (Deficit) - Ending $1,888,149 $985,541 $782,201 $315,166

Business-Type Activities
Enterprise Funds
Totals Internal
Operating Revenues
Charges for Sales and Services $- $- $23,010 $1,424,408 $53,106
Assessments 848,220 - 37,482 885,702 -
Federal Grants, Contracts, and Other Aid 719,898 - - 1,033,890 -
State Grants, Contracts, and Other Aid 14,620 - - 67,889 -
Private Gifts and Grants - - - 48,689 -
Interest on Loans - 17,660 1,535 19,195 -
Other 3,994 - 825 138,023 88
Total Operating Revenues 1,586,732 17,660 62,852 3,617,796 53,194
Operating Expenses
Salaries, Wages, and Administrative - 858 18,832 2,653,153 39,188
Lottery Prize Awards - - - - -
Unemployment Compensation 1,514,674 - - 1,514,674 -
Claims Paid - - 30,908 30,908 -
Depreciation and Amortization - - 1,215 225,376 6,297
Other - 10,113 1,770 225,340 -
Total Operating Expenses 1,514,674 10,971 52,725 4,649,451 45,485
Operating Income (Loss) 72,058 6,689 10,127 (1,031,655) 7,709
Nonoperating Revenue (Expenses)
Interest and Investment Income - 13,096 1,125 16,742 3
Interest and Fiscal Charges - (39,223) (5,676) (68,215) -
Other - Net - 7,690 (588) 54,066 (453)
Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) - (18,437) (5,139) 2,593 (450)
Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions, Grants,
and Transfers 72,058 (11,748) 4,988 (1,029,062) 7,259
Capital Contributions - - - 58,723 -
Federal Capitalization Grants - 39,081 9,677 48,758 -
Transfers In - 989 - 1,102,520 -
Transfers Out (3,665) - (10,730) (14,395) -
Special Item: Transfer to General Fund - - - - REF!
Change in Net Position 68,393 28,322 3,935 166,544 7,259
Total Net Position (Deficit) - Beginning (as restated) (236,638) 668,467 130,499 4,467,491 40,010
Total Net Position (Deficit) - Ending $(168,245) $696,789 $134,434 $4,634,035 $47,269

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.