Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets Fiduciary Funds

State of Connecticut

Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets
Fiduciary Funds
June 30, 2010
(Expressed in Thousands)
Pension & Investment Purpose
Other Employee Trust Fund Trust Fund
Benefit External Escheat
Trust Funds Investment Pool Securities Total
Plan Members $408,833 $ - $ - $408,833
State 1,846,990 - - 1,846,990
Municipalities 38,438 - - 38,438
Total Contributions 2,294,261 - - 2,294,261
Investment Income 2,730,497 4,466 - 2,734,963
Less: Investment Expense (87,252) (252) - (87,504)
Net Investment Income 2,643,245 4,214 - 2,647,459
Escheat Securities Received - - 87,980 87,980
Pool's Share Transactions - - - -
Transfers In 2,740 - - 2,740
Other 1,339 - - 1,339
Total Additions 4,941,585 4,214 87,980 5,033,779
Administrative Expense 2,188 - - 2,188
Benefit Payments and Refunds 3,444,847 - - 3,444,847
Escheat Securities Returned or Sold - - 153,871 153,871
Distributions to Pool Participants - 4,214 - 4,214
Pool's Share Transactions - 222,575 - 222,575
Other 2,880 - 308 3,188
Total Deductions 3,449,915 226,789 154,179 3,830,883
Change in Net Assets Held In Trust For:        
Pension and Other Employee Benefits 1,491,670 - - 1,491,670
Individuals, Organizations, and Other Governments - (222,575) (66,199) (288,774)
Net Assets - Beginning 20,406,381 1,107,668 88,297 21,602,346
Net Assets - Ending $21,898,051 $885,093 $22,098 $22,805,242

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.