Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 10 Capital Assets

State of Connecticut

Notes to the Financial Statements

June 30, 2008

Note 10 Capital Assets

Capital asset activity for the year was as follows (amounts in thousands):

  Beginning Ending
Balance Additions Retirements Balance
Governmental Activities
Capital Assets not being Depreciated:
Land $ 1,354,085 $ 52,670 $ 5,149 $ 1,401,606
Construction in Progress 1,960,175 650,735 501,663 2,109,247
Total Capital Assets not being Depreciated 3,314,260 703,405 506,812 3,510,853
Other Capital Assets:
Buildings 2,788,045 95,856 130,619 2,753,282
Improvements Other than Buildings 455,223 21,908 13,405 463,726
Equipment 1,496,689 178,340 114,397 1,560,632
Infrastructure 10,443,317 424,065 - 10,867,382
Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost 15,183,274 720,169 258,421 15,645,022
Less: Accumulated Depreciation For:
Buildings 1,698,832 68,832 130,619 1,637,045
Improvements Other than Buildings 279,868 23,879 13,405 290,342
Equipment 1,118,151 277,174 114,397 1,280,928
Infrastructure 5,448,699 453,395 - 5,902,094
Total Accumulated Depreciation 8,545,550 823,280 * 258,421 9,110,409
Other Capital Assets, Net 6,637,724 (103,111) - 6,534,613
Governmental Activities, Capital Assets, Net $ 9,951,984 $ 600,294 $ 506,812 $ 10,045,466
* Depreciation expense was charged to functions as follows:
Governmental Activities:
Legislative $ 5,920
General Government 35,205
Regulation and Protection 32,753
Conservation and Development 15,075
Health and Hospitals 13,705
Transportation 592,738
Human Services 2,264
Education, Libraries and Museums 35,429
Corrections 49,397
Judicial 20,689
Capital assets held by the government's internal
service funds are charged to the various functions
based on the usage of the assets 20,105
Total Depreciation Expense $ 823,280

Beginning Ending
Balance Additions Retirements Balance
Business-Type Activities
Capital Assets not being Depreciated:
Land $ 59,484 $ 622 $ 137 $ 59,969
Construction in Progress 190,777 111,000 52,116 249,661
Total Capital Assets not being Depreciated 250,261 111,622 52,253 309,630
Capital Assets being Depreciated:
Buildings 3,455,173 130,671 2,633 3,583,211
Improvements Other Than Buildings 458,952 15,753 2,461 472,244
Equipment 876,062 89,628 35,029 930,661
Infrastructure - - - -
Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost 4,790,187 236,052 40,123 4,986,116
Less: Accumulated Depreciation For:
Buildings 1,064,778 114,540 1,907 1,177,411
Improvements Other Than Buildings 204,987 20,216 2,461 222,742
Equipment 507,850 70,279 30,138 547,991
Total Accumulated Depreciation 1,777,615 205,035 34,506 1,948,144
Other Capital Assets, Net 3,012,572 31,017 5,617 3,037,972
Business-Type Activities, Capital Assets, Net $ 3,262,833 $ 142,639 $ 57,870 $ 3,347,602

Component Units
Capital assets of the component units consisted of the following as of June 30, 2008 (amounts in thousands):

Land $ 29,930
Buildings 484,704
Improvements other than Buildings 3,288
Machinery and Equipment 259,963
Construction in Progress 1,261
Total Capital Assets 779,146
Accumulated Depreciation (354,059)
Capital Assets, net $ 425,087