Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 10 Capital Assets

State of Connecticut

Notes to the Financial Statements

June 30, 2007

Note 10 Capital Assets

Capital asset activity for the year was as follows (amounts in thousands):

  Beginning Ending
Balance Additions Retirements Balance
Governmental Activities
Capital Assets not being Depreciated:
Land $ 1,294,616 $ 59,510 $ 41 $ 1,354,085
Construction in Progress 1,658,695 572,963 271,483 1,960,175
Total Capital Assets not being Depreciated 2,953,311 632,473 271,524 3,314,260
Other Capital Assets:
Buildings 2,768,464 19,972 391 2,788,045
Improvements Other than Buildings 449,799 6,154 730 455,223
Equipment 1,385,551 232,130 120,992 1,496,689
Infrastructure 10,078,020 365,297 - 10,443,317
Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost 14,681,834 623,553 122,113 15,183,274
Less: Accumulated Depreciation For:
Buildings 1,629,521 69,702 391 1,698,832
Improvements Other than Buildings 257,662 22,936 730 279,868
Equipment 995,142 244,001 120,992 1,118,151
Infrastructure 4,998,227 450,472 - 5,448,699
Total Accumulated Depreciation 7,880,552 787,111 * 122,113 8,545,550
Other Capital Assets, Net 6,801,282 (163,558) - 6,637,724
Governmental Activities, Capital Assets, Net $ 9,754,593 $ 468,915 $ 271,524 $ 9,951,984

* Depreciation expense was charged to functions as follows:

General Government 32,535
Regulation and Protection 17,533
Conservation and Development 14,344
Health and Hospitals 13,924
Transportation 578,244
Human Services 1,852
Education, Libraries and Museums 33,206
Corrections 50,971
Judicial 19,905
Capital assets held by the government's internal service funds are charged to the various functions based on the usage of the assets 19,663
Total Depreciation Expense $ 787,111

Balance Additions Retirements Balance
Business-Type Activities
Capital Assets not being Depreciated:
Land $ 59,314 $ 170 $ - $ 59,484
Construction in Progress 175,449 111,704 96,376 190,777
Total Capital Assets not being Depreciated 234,763 111,874 96,376 250,261
Capital Assets being Depreciated:
Buildings 3,292,821 170,323 7,971 3,455,173
Improvements Other Than Buildings 483,189 15,489 39,724 458,954
Equipment 842,688 67,958 34,584 876,062
Infrastructure - - - -
Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost 4,618,698 253,770 82,279 4,790,189
Less: Accumulated Depreciation For:
Buildings 959,272 108,668 3,162 1,064,778
Improvements Other Than Buildings 186,512 18,442 7 204,947
Equipment 477,814 61,256 31,180 507,890
Total Accumulated Depreciation 1,623,598 188,366 34,349 1,777,615
Other Capital Assets, Net 2,995,100 65,404 47,930 3,012,574
Business-Type Activities, Capital Assets, Net $ 3,229,863 $ 177,278 $ 144,306 $ 3,262,835

Component Units
Capital assets of the component units consisted of the following as of June 30, 2007 (amounts in thousands):

Land $ 28,625
Buildings 476,655
Improvements other than Buildings 2,778
Machinery and Equipment 254,282
Construction in Progress 357
Total Capital Assets 762,697
Accumulated Depreciation (328,968)
Capital Assets, net $ 433,729