Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003 COMBINING FUNDS STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES - Nonmajor Governmental Funds - By Fund Type -

State of Connecticut

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and
Changes in Fund Balances
Nonmajor Governmental Funds - By Fund Type
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003
(Expressed in Thousands)
Special Capital
Revenue Projects Permanent
Funds Funds Funds Total
Taxes $10,394 $- $- $10,394
Licenses, Permits and Fees 45,882 - - 45,882
Tobacco Settlement 137,915 - - 137,915
Intergovernmental 72,990 478,064 - 551,054
Charges for Services 2,941 - - 2,941
Fines, Forfeits and Rents 2,306 - - 2,306
Investment Earnings 6,518 - 8,339 14,857
Miscellaneous 83,413 4,211 31 87,655
Total Revenues 362,359 482,275 8,370 853,004
General Government 219,851 - - 219,851
Regulation and Protection 165,325 - - 165,325
Conservation and Development 219,604 - - 219,604
Health and Hospitals 9,209 - - 9,209
Transportation 6,288 - - 6,288
Human Services 26,178 - - 26,178
Education, Libraries, and Museums 496,805 - 1,000 497,805
Corrections 13,524 - - 13,524
Judicial 9,284 - - 9,284
Capital Projects - 871,029 - 871,029
Debt Service:        
Principal Retirement 993 - - 993
Interest and Fiscal Charges 6,147 5,529 - 11,676
Total Expenditures 1,173,208 876,558 1,000 2,050,766
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (810,849) (394,283) 7,370 (1,197,762)
Other Financing Sources (Uses)        
Bonds Issued 754,947 829,963 - 1,584,910
Premium on Bonds Issued 36,832 48,031 - 84,863
Transfers In 143,322 2 1,000 144,324
Transfers Out (254,425) (245,867) (3,701) (503,993)
Capital Lease Obligations 211 - - 211
Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 680,887 632,129 (2,701) 1,310,315
Net Change in Fund Balances (129,962) 237,846 4,669 112,553
Fund Balances (Deficit) - Beginning (as restated) 1,001,370 (90,862) 89,522 1,000,030
Fund Balances - Ending $871,408 $146,984 $94,191 $1,112,583