Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Proprietary Fund Financial Statements

State of Connecticut

Proprietary Fund Financial Statements

Major Funds

Higher Education:

Higher Education Funds are used to account for all transactions relating to public institutions of higher education and an affiliated organization. Higher Education institutions include five universities and twelve community-technical colleges.

Bradley Airport Operations:

The airport is owned by the State of Connecticut and is operated by the Bureau of Aeronautics of the State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation. In 1982, the State issued the Airport, 1982 series, Revenue Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $100,000,000. The bonds were refunded in 1992 with the issuance of $94,065,000 in refunding bonds. The refunding bonds are secured by and payable solely from the gross operating revenues generated by the State from the operations of the Airport and other receipts, funds or monies pledged in the Indenture.

The Connecticut Lottery Corporation:

The Connecticut Lottery Corporation, a public instrumentality and political subdivision of the State of Connecticut was created on July 1, 1996 for the purpose of generating revenues for the State of Connecticut's General Fund through the operation of a lottery.

Employment Security:

to account for the collection of unemployment insurance premiums from employers and the payment of unemployment benefits to eligible claimants.

Second Injury and Compensation Assurance:

an extension of the Worker's Compensation Act, the fund is currently used to pay claimants whose injuries are made more severe because of a pre-existing condition, and in cases where an injured worker receiving worker's compensation subsequently undergoes an incapacitating relapse.

Clean Water:

to account for resources used to provide loans to municipalities to finance waste water treatment projects.

Nonmajor Funds

Nonmajor proprietary funds are presented, by fund type beginning on page 112.