Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003 Basic FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 10 - Capital Assets

State of Connecticut

Note 10 Capital Assets

Capital asset activity for the year was as follows:

Beginning Ending
Balance Additions Retirements Balance
Governmental Activities
Capital Assets not being Depreciated:
Land $ 863,602 $ 51,546 $ 3,394 $ 911,754
Construction in Progress-Infrastructure 997,893 445,367 166,653 1,276,607
Construction in Progress 250,443 451,868 242,040 460,271
Total Capital Assets not being Depreciated 2,111,938 948,781 412,087 2,648,632
Other Capital Assets:
Buildings 2,357,825 242,040 60,649 2,539,216
Improvements Other than Buildings 295,720 33,485 17,815 311,390
Equipment 1,351,275 68,999 67,057 1,353,217
Infrastructure 9,050,755 166,653 - 9,217,408
Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost 13,055,575 511,177 145,521 13,421,231
Less: Accumulated Depreciation For:
Buildings 1,656,466 63,480 60,649 1,659,297
Improvements Other than Buildings 250,284 15,749 17,815 248,218
Equipment 803,917 165,579 74,741 894,755
Infrastructure 3,331,042 404,614 - 3,735,656
Total Accumulated Depreciation 6,041,709 649,422 153,205 6,537,926
Other Capital Assets, Net 7,013,866 (138,245) (7,684) 6,883,305
Governmental Activities, Capital Assets, Net $ 9,125,804 $ 810,536 $ 404,403 $ 9,531,937
* Depreciation expense was charged to functions as follows:
Governmental Activities:
Legislative $ 5,323
General Government 42,896
Regulation and Protection 30,203
Conservation and Development 11,217
Health and Hospitals 10,947
Transportation 455,960
Human Services 3,141
Education, Libraries and Museums 32,188
Corrections 33,934
Judicial 13,767
Capital assets held by the government's internal
service funds are charged to the various functions
based on the usage of the assets 9,846
Total Depreciation Expense $ 649,422

Beginning Ending
Balance Additions Retirements Balance
Business-Type Activities
Capital Assets not being Depreciated:
Land $ 43,654 $ 1,122 $ 2 $ 44,774
Construction in Progress 385,252 300,706 400,819 285,139
Total Capital Assets not being Depreciated 428,906 301,828 400,821 329,913
Capital Assets being Depreciated:
Buildings 1,973,763 440,002 7,285 2,406,480
Improvements Other Than Buildings 316,956 46,292 1,254 361,994
Equipment 666,786 79,888 26,540 720,134
Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost 2,957,505 566,182 35,079 3,488,608
Less: Accumulated Depreciation For:
Buildings 630,332 69,815 5,631 694,516
Improvements Other Than Buildings 117,208 15,338 600 131,946
Equipment 329,277 55,475 20,259 364,493
Total Accumulated Depreciation 1,076,817 140,628 26,490 1,190,955
Other Capital Assets, Net 1,880,688 425,554 8,589 2,297,653
Business-Type Activities, Capital Assets, Net $ 2,309,594 $ 727,382 $ 409,410 $ 2,627,566

Component Units

Capital assets of the component units consisted of the following as of June 30, 2003:

Land $ 27,774
Buildings 189,832
Improvements other than Buildings 362
Machinery and Equipment 235,965
Construction in Progress 36
Total Capital Assets 453,969
Accumulated Depreciation (218,034)
Capital Assets, net $ 235,935