Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 7 - Restricted Assets

State of Connecticut

Note 7 Restricted Assets

Restricted assets are defined as resources that are restricted by legal or contractual requirements. As of June 30, 2001, restricted assets for the primary government and its component units were comprised of the following (amounts in thousands):

Primary Government

Component Units

Trust and Connecticut Connecticut Connecticut
Enterprise Agency Housing Connecticut Higher Health &
Bradley John Clean Drinking Connecticut Finance Resources Education Educational
Debt Int'l Dempsey Water Water Development Authority Recovery Supplemental Facilities Total
Service Airport Hospital Other Fund Fund Authority (12-31-00) Authority Loan Authority Authority Component Units
Cash & Cash
Equivalents $278,650 $ 76,708 $ 9,804 $ 1,858 $ - $ - $ 21,477 $ - $ 102,826 $ - $ 2,371 $ 126,674
Investments 276,166 195,841 1,028 16,678 462,140 43,712 29,663 334,597 - 9,076 260,386 633,722
Receivable 7,315 863 - - - - - 1,766 587 - 620 2,973
Other - 2,540 - - - - - - - - 3,964 3,964
Total $ 562,131 $ 275,952 $10,832 $ 18,536 $ 462,140 $43,712 $ 51,140 $ 336,363 $ 103,413 $ 9,076 $ 267,341 $ 767,333