Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 23 - Subsequent Events

State of Connecticut

Note 23 Subsequent Events

In September, $708.3 million of special tax obligation bonds for transportation infrastructure programs were issued. These consisted of $135 million of serial bonds, $40 million of term bonds, and $533.3 million of refunding serial bonds maturing on various dates through 2021 and bearing interest rates of 2% to 5.375%.

In November, $832.4 million of general obligation bonds were issued which included $432.8 million of refunding bonds which were issued for the purpose of advance refunding $437.2 million. These bonds will mature at various dates through 2021, and bear interest rates of 3% to 5.125%.

In December, $175 million of general obligation bonds were issued, maturing at various dates through 2011 and bearing interest rates of 3% to 5%.