Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balances Higher Education Funds

State of Connecticut

Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balances
Higher Education Funds
For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001
(Expressed in Thousands)
Current Funds
Unrestricted Restricted Endowment
and Similar Funds

Revenues and Other Additions:
Current Funds Revenues and Additions $702,083 $192,314 $- $- $- $- $894,397
Federal Grants and Contracts - $- - - - - -
State Grants and Contracts - $- - - - - -
Private Gifts and Grants - - 154 176 1,250 - 1,580
Investment Earnings - - (1,064) 276 10,104 - 9,316
Interest on Loans Receivable - - - 489 - - 489
Expended for Plant Facilities - - - - 326,037 - 326,037
Retirement of Indebtedness - - - - 9,526 - 9,526
Sale of Bonds - - - - 100,000 - 100,000
Foundation Revenues - - - - - 15,096 15,096
Miscellaneous - - 3 369 19,565 - 19,937
Total Revenues and Other Additions 702,083 192,314 (907) 1,310 466,482 15,096 1,376,378
Expenditures and Other Deductions:              
Education and General 1,095,707 176,054 - - - - 1,271,761
Auxiliary Enterprises 124,213 3 - - - - 124,216
Patient Care 147,201 1,823 - - - - 149,024
Indirect Costs Recovered - 18,241 - - - - 18,241
Loan Cancellations and Write-offs - - - 61 - - 61
Interest on Indebtedness - - - - 15,736 - 15,736
Capital Expenditures - - - - 291,441 - 291,441
Disposal of Plant Facilities - - - - 6,769 - 6,769
Depreciation - - - - 52,577 - 52,577
Administrative Costs - - - 260 220 - 480
Retirement of Indebtedness - - - - 9,526 - 9,526
Foundation Expenditures - - - - - 16,021 16,021
Other 4,109 300 115 536 6,692 - 11,752
Total Expenditures and Other Deductions 1,371,230 196,421 115 857 382,961 16,021 1,967,605
Transfers Among Funds - Additions (Deductions)              
Retirement of Indebtedness (14,275) - - - 14,275 - -
Transfer From Foundation 10,687 2,662 - - 1,641 3,352 18,342
Transfer To Foundation (3,352) - - - - (14,990) (18,342)
Other (7,628) 292 72 430 6,834 - -
Total Transfers Among Funds (14,568) 2,954 72 430 22,750 (11,638) -
Operating Transfers from the State's              
Governmental Funds 677,797 - - - 80,106 - 757,903
Change in Accounting for Compensated Absences - - - - - - -
Net Increase (Decrease) in Fund Balances (5,918) (1,153) (950) 883 186,377 (12,563) 166,676
Fund Balances (deficit) - July 1 (as restated) 82,133 35,348 9,100 34,297 2,018,346 249,392 2,428,616
Fund Balances (deficit) - June 30 $76,215 $34,195 $8,150 $35,180 $2,204,723 $236,829 $2,595,292

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.