Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 COMBINING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Capital Projects Funds - Combining Balace Sheet

State of Connecticut

Combining Balance Sheet
Capital Projects Funds
June 30, 2001
(Expressed in Thousands)
Infrastucture Transportation Total
Cash and Cash Equivalents $85,037 $57,306 $8,532 $150,875
Accounts, Net of Allowances 5 2,265 - 2,270
Federal Grants Receivable - 9,732 - 9,732
Due From Other Funds 13,678 - - 13,678
Receivable From Other Governments - 50,675 - 50,675
Total Assets $98,720 $119,978 $8,532 227,230
Liabilities and Fund Balances:        
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $32,498 $76,765 $- 109,263
Due To Other Funds 47,043 942 - 47,985
Deferred Revenue 5 1,542 - 1,547
Total Liabilities 79,546 79,249 - 158,795
Fund Balances:        
Unreserved, undesignated 19,174 40,729 8,532 68,435
Total Fund Balances 19,174 40,729 8,532 68,435
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $98,720 $119,978 $8,532 $227,230