

This is a graph that shows Per Capita Income and Adjusted Median Household Income for Connecticut for 1993 through 1997. In 1993, the adjusted median household income was 43 thousand 891 dollars, the per capita income was 29 thousand 201 dollars. In 1994, the adjusted median household income was 44 thousand 508 dollars, the per capita income was 30 thousand 269 dollars. In 1995, the adjusted median household income was 42 thousand 382 dollars, the per capita income was 32 thousand 73 dollars. In 1996, the adjusted median household income was 43 thousand 85 dollars, the per capita income was 33 thousand 835 dollars. In 1997, the adjusted median household income was 43 thousand 985 dollars, the per capita income was 35 thousand 954 dollars. Sources: Bureau of Economic Analysis and U.S. Bureau of the Census.