State of Connecticut EDS Contract Compliance Report Appendix A-1 Significant Event Timeline

State of Connecticut EDS Contract Compliance Report

Appendix A-1

Department of Social Services/Electronic Data Systems, Inc. Timeline 

Significant Event Timeline

Date Event
4/24/1981 First DSS contract with EDS (EDS MMIS) (Proposal Number RF0024)
Term: 48 months with two (2) additional one (1) year extensions
12/23/1986 Second DSS contract with EDS (CT Plus) (RFP R630)
Terms: Five (5) years of operation with up to two (2) additional one year extensions starting
11/15/1993 Third DSS contract with EDS (CT AIM)
Term: Six (6) full years of operations and up to three (3) additional one year extensions.
12/5/1994 Amendment No. 1 (approved by HCFA) becomes effective. It modified the MMIS start date from 12/30/1994 to 12/29/1995.
12/30/1994 Required a fully operational CT AIM.
4/26/1995 DSS imposes "Consequential Damages - Failure to Meet Contract Performance Requirements". DSS claimed $24,695.69 as reasonable damages.
10/18/1995 Maximus presents analysis indicating that from 71% to 76% of the project had been completed.
4/19/1996 Amendment Number 2 becomes effective. This amendment moves the implementation date to 9/20/1996.
9/9/1996 HCFA notifies DSS that federal funding of the Connecticut MMIS would terminate on 9/20/1996.
10/30/1996 DSS notifies EDS of its "failure to perform in accordance with the contract." They imposed liquidated damages of $1,293,000.
12/23/1997 The Attorney General approves Amendment Number 3. EDS shall perform their obligations as set forth in the second DSS contract with EDS.
10/16/1998 Amendment Number 4 was entered into to bring the Connecticut MMIS into Y2K compliance.
In Process Amendment Number 5 which we understand will settle financial issues related to the termination of the development contract.

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