Retirement Services Division January 14, 2015 Minutes of Meeting Subcommittee on Purchase of Service and Related Matters


MINUTES OF January 14, 2015 MEETING

Charles Casella, Robert Coffey, Ron McLellan

Brenda Halpin, Director, Retirement Services Division
Colin Newman, Assistant Director, Retirement Services Division
Edith Prague
Joanne Prague-Doyle Steven Keating- Hartford Courant

The meeting began at 2:43 p.m.

The Subcommittee discussed the following claims that had been administratively denied by the Retirement Services Division. All of the recommendations are unanimous unless noted accordingly.

Barbara Bellonio - Request received from Ms. Bellonio that she be allowed to change her income payment election option although the payment of retirement income had commenced in 2011.

Action: Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend tabling of this matter and to refer it to the Retirement Commission's legal counselor for guidance.

Robert Campanone Jr. #562253 - Request received from Mr. Campagnone that he receive retirement credit for his "inactive duty for training" military leave days that he had taken.

Action: Mr. Coffey moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to recommend tabling this matter for the purpose of receiving guidance from the Retirement Commission's legal counsel.

William Gagliardi (MERS) - Request received from Mr. Gagliardi appealing the preliminary procedural decision notifying that he had missed the filing date for a service connected disability retirement as it was one year beyond the date of the disabling injury.

Action: Mr. Coffey moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to recommend tabling this matter for the purpose of receiving guidance from the Retirement Commission's legal counsel.

Edith Prague #714108 - Request received from Ms. Prague that she be allowed to change her income payment election following the commencement of her retirement benefit.

Action: Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend moving this matter to the Retirement Commission for a recommendation at its February 2015 meeting.

Geraldo Rivera #263204- Late Request received from Mr. Rivera that he receive retirement credit for his prior military service from October 14, 1977 to September 14, 1978.

Action: Mr. McLellan moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend tabling this matter so that the claimant could be advised that he had insufficient evidence upon which the Trustees could make a decision.

Larissa Zagorski #342443 - Late request received from Ms. Zagorski that she be allowed to purchase retirement credit for her prior state service from December 28, 1979 to September 4, 1980.

Action: Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend that Ms. Zagorski be allowed to purchase the first six months of service pursuant to Commission policy.

Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

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