State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999 - Notes to the Financial Statements - Note 10

State of Connecticut

June 30,1999

Note 10 Other Retirement Systems Administered by the State

The State acts solely as the administrator and custodian of the assets of the Connecticut Municipal Employees' Retirement System (CMERS) and the Connecticut Probate Judges and Employees Retirement System (CPJERS). Although these retirement systems are included as pension trust funds in the State's financial statements, the State makes no contribution and has no financial liability other than a fiduciary responsibility.

Plan Descriptions and Contribution Information
Membership of each plan consisted of the following at the date of the latest actuarial valuation:

Retirees and beneficiaries
receiving benefits 4,171 198
Terminated plan members entitled
to but not receiving benefits 88 34
Active plan members 7,653 342
Total 11,912 574
Number of participating employers 159 1

 Connecticut Municipal Employees' Retirement System

Plan Description
CMERS is a cost-sharing multiple-employer defined benefit pension plan that covers fire, police, and other personnel (except teachers) of participating municipalities in the State. Plan benefits, cost-of-living adjustments, contribution requirements of plan members and participating municipalities, and other plan provisions are described in Chapters 7-425 to 7-451 of the General Statutes. The plan provides retirement, disability, and death benefits, and annual cost-of-living adjustments to plan members and their beneficiaries.

Plan members are required to contribute 2.25 percent to 5.0 percent of their annual salary. Participating municipalities are required to contribute at an actuarial determined rate. The participating municipalities fund administrative costs of the plan.

Connecticut Probate Judges and Employees' Retirement System

Plan Description
CPJERS is a single-employer defined benefit pension plan that covers judges and employees of probate courts in the State. Plan benefits, cost-of-living adjustments, required contributions of plan members and the probate court system, and other plan provisions are described in Chapters 45a-34 to 45a-56 of the General Statutes. The plan pro-vides retirement, disability, and death benefits, and annual cost-of-living adjustments to plan members and their beneficiaries.

Plan members are required to contribute 1.0 percent to 3.75 percent of their annual salary. The probate court system is required to contribute at an actuarial determined rate. Administrative costs of the plan are funded by the probate court system.


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