State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999 General Purpose Financial Statements - Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures - Higher Education Funds

State of Connecticut

Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures,
and Other Changes
Higher Education Funds
For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999
(Expressed in Thousands)
Current Funds
Unrestricted Restricted Total
Revenues and Transfers from Foundation:
Student Tuition and Fees $ 265,338 $ - $ 265,338
Federal Grants and Contracts 29,164 94,940 124,104
State Grants and Contracts 708 18,620 19,328
Private Gifts and Grants 15,735 12,401 28,136
Patient Service 103,825 - 103,825
Sales and Services 157,231 235 157,466
Investment Earnings 10,928 1,293 12,221
Miscellaneous 20,932 1,217 22,149
Total Revenues 603,861 128,706 732,567
Transfer from Foundation - 9,016 9,016
Total Revenues and Transfer from Foundation 603,861 137,722 741,583
Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers:
Education and General:
Instruction $ 425,306 $ 8,502 $ 433,808
Research 25,211 65,467 90,678
Public Service 31,071 9,571 40,642
Academic Support 103,632 4,116 107,748
Student Services 71,867 2,319 74,186
Institutional Support 172,312 1,187 173,499
Scholarship and Fellowships 38,878 46,211 85,089
Plant Operations and Maintenance 90,070 163 90,233
Total Educational and General Expenditures 958,347 137,536 1,095,883
Patient Care 113,955 180 114,135
Auxiliary Enterprises 104,932 6 104,938
Mandatory Transfers:
Retirement of Indebtedness 5,243 - 5,243
Total Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers 1,182,477 137,722 1,320,199
Other Transfers - Additions (Deductions):
Operating Transfers from the State's
Governmental Funds 587,995 - 587,995
Transfer to Foundation (3,300) - (3,300)
Other Non-mandatory Transfers (17,455) 55 (17,400)
Excess of Restricted Receipts over Transfers
to Revenues. - (167) (167)
Refunded to Grantors - (233) (233)
Change in Accounting for Compensated Absences 9,134 - 9,134
Total Other Transfers and Additions (Deductions) 576,374 (345) 576,029
Net Increase (Decrease) in Fund Balances $ (2,242) $ (345) $ (2,587)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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