State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999 - Combining Financial Statements - Fiduciary Funds - Combining Balance Sheet - Part I

State of Connecticut

Combining Balance Sheet
Fiduciary Funds

June 30, 1999
(Expressed in Thousands)

Expendable Trust
Teachers' Health
Benefits Plan
Second Injury
& Compensation
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 37,479 $ 37,892 $ 5,614 $ 63,350 $ 1,695
Equity in Combined Investment Fund - - - - 16,807
External Investment Pool - - - - -
Other - 101,873 - - 1,879
Securities Lending Collateral - - - - 955
Accounts, Net of Allowances 9,564 4,381 - 668 -
Loans Receivable - - - - -
Interest - - - 13 15
Federal Grants Receivable - - - - -
Deposits with U.S. Treasury 834,970 - - - -
Due From Other Funds 493 - 2,196 - -
Receivable From Other Governments 2,380 - - - -
- - 4,057 61 -
Restricted Assets - - - - -
Other Assets - - - - -
Total Assets $ 884,886 $ 144,146 $ 11,867 $ 64,092 $ 21,351
Liabilities and Equity:
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ - $ - $ - $ 16,044 $ -
Due To Other Funds 1,018 - - - -
Payable To Other Governments - - - - -
Deferred Revenue 5,522 3,947 - - -
Premiums on Bonds Sold - - - - -
Deferred Compensation Liability - - - -
Agency Deposit Liabilities - - - - -
Revenue Bonds - - - - -
Securities Lending Obligation - - - - 955
Total Liabilities 6,540 3,947 - 16,044 955
Fund Balances:
Reserved Trust Activities - - - - -
Reserved For Employees' Pension Benefits - - - - -
Reserved For Pool Participants - - - -
Unreserved, undesignated. 878,346 140,199 11,867 48,048 20,396
Total Fund Balances 878,346 140,199 11,867 48,048 20,396
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 884,886 $ 144,146 $ 11,867 $ 64,092 $ 21,351


Nonexpendable Trust
Sailors, &
Other Pension External Investment Pool Agency Total
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 3,483 $ - $ 3,487 $ 16,501 $ - $ 162,869 $ 332,370
Equity in Combined Investment Fund - 57,644 25,583 19,720,333 - - 19,820,367
External Investment Pool - - - - 1,091,174 1,091,174
Other - - 3,092 - - 2,690 109,534
Securities Lending Collateral - 5,850 2,024 1,791,145 - - 1,799,974
Receivables: -
Accounts, Net of Allowances - - - 14,088 30 394 29,125
Loans Receivable 489,349 - - - - 59 489,408
Interest 7,195 - 27 875 6,094 350 14,569
Federal Grants Receivable 51 - - - - - 51
Deposits with U.S. Treasury - - - - - - 834,970
Due From Other Funds - - 3 7,909 - 3,656 14,257
Receivable From Other Governments - - - 4,265 - 29 6,674
- - - - - 1,847 5,965
Restricted Assets 468,121 - - - - - 468,121
Other Assets 9,583 - - - - 615,567 625,150
Total Assets $ 977,782 $ 63,494 $ 34,216 $ 21,555,116 $ 1,097,298 $ 787,461 $ 25,641,709
Liabilities and Equity:
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 9,502 $ - $ - $ 18 $ 4,148 8,160 $ 37,872
Due To Other Funds - 388 178 6,759 - 7,936 16,279
Payable To Other Governments - - - - - - -
Deferred Revenue - - - - - - 9,469
Premiums on Bonds Sold 6,584 - - - - - 6,584
Deferred Compensation Liability - - - - - - -
Agency Deposit Liabilities - - - - - 771,365 771,365
Revenue Bonds 572,510 - - - - - 572,510
Securities Lending Obligation - 5,850 2,024 1,791,145 - - 1,799,974
Total Liabilities 588,596 6,238 2,202 1,797,922 4,148 787,461 3,214,053
Fund Balances:
Reserved Trust Activities 316,718 57,256 32,014 - - - 405,988
Reserved For Employees' Pension Benefits - - - 19,757,194 - - 19,757,194
Reserved For Pool Participants - - - - 1,093,150 - 1,093,150
Unreserved, undesignated. 72,468 - - - - - 1,171,324
Total Fund Balances 389,186 57,256 32,014 19,757,194 1,093,150 - 22,427,656
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 977,782 $ 63,494 $ 34,216 $ 21,555,116 $ 1,097,298 $ 787,461 $ 25,641,709

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