State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999 - Combining Financial Statements - Enterprise Funds - Changes in Retained Earnings

State of Connecticut

Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and
Changes in Retained Earnings
Enterprise Funds

For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999
(Expressed in Thousands)

Other Total
Operating Revenues:
Charges for Services $ - $ 36,359 $ - $ - $ 2,432 $ 38,791
Interest on Financing Activities 7,693 - - - - 7,693
Patient Service Revenue - - 124,570 - - 124,570
Lottery Sales - - - 870,917 - 870,917
Miscellaneous. - - 5,337 - - 5,337
Total Operating Revenues 7,693 36,359 129,907 870,917 2,432 1,047,308
Operating Expenses:
Administrative. 3,376 21,242 36,844 9,281 2,402 73,145
Cost of Sales & Services - - - 586,697 - 586,697
Personal Services - - - - 12 12
Depreciation and Amortization 3 8,565 6,268 952 10 15,798
Interest on Financing Activities 5,774 - - - - 5,774
Patient Care - - 85,719 - - 85,719
Other - - 1,722 485 - 2,207
Total Operating Expenses 9,153 29,807 130,553 597,415 2,424 769,352
Operating Income (Loss) (1,460) 6,552 (646) 273,502 8 277,956
Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses):
Interest and Investment Income 3,668 2,978 705 44,070 - 51,421
Interest and Fiscal Charges - (6,269) (83) (42,715) - (49,067)
Other (546) 8,796 - 385 - 8,635
Total Nonoperating Income (Expense) 3,122 5,505 622 1,740 - 10,989
Income (Loss) Before Operating Transfers 1,662 12,057 (24) 275,242 8 288,945
Operating Transfers:
Operating Transfers In 13,174 - - - - 13,174
Operating Transfers Out - - - (273,838) - (273,838)
Net Income (Loss) 14,386 12,057 (24) 1,404 8 28,281
Retained Earnings - July 1 (as restated) 45,098 24,490 92,430 9 593 162,620
Residual Equity Transfer Out - - (3,175) - - (3,175)
Retained Earnings - June 30 $59,934 $ 36,547 $ 89,231 $ 1,413 $ 601 $ 187,726

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