State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1998 General Purpose Financial Statements - Statement of Changes in Plan Net Assets - Pension Trust Funds (Defined Benefit Pension Plans)

State of Connecticut

Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Pension Trust Funds and Investment Trust Fund
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1998
(Expressed in Thousands)
Pension Trust Pension Trust
Connecticut External
State State Municipal Probate Investment
Employees Teachers Judicial Employees Judges Other Pool Total
Plan Participants $ 35,409 $ 147,862 $ 1,022 $ 27,985 $ 212 $ 31 $ - $ 212,521
State 253,350 179,365 9,309 - - - - 442,024
Federal and Other 81,496 - - - - - - 81,496
Intergovernmental - 6,748 - - - - - 6,748
Total Contributions. 370,255 333,975 10,331 27,985 212 31 - 742,789
Investment Income 1,084,906 1,557,642 16,893 170,926 9,216 128 66,111 2,905,822
Less: Investment Expenses (46,996) (67,440) (732) (7,411) (398) (5) (372) (123,354)
Net Investment Income 1,037,910 1,490,202 16,161 163,515 8,818 123 65,739 2,782,468
Pool's Share Transactions. - - - - - - 267,376 267,376
Operating Transfers In. - - - - 761 - - 761
Miscellaneous 1,185 - - - - - - 1,185
Total Additions 1,409,350 1,824,177 26,492 191,500 9,791 154 333,115 3,794,579
Administrative 350 - 6 - - - - 356
Benefit Payments and Refunds 550,802 523,035 10,804 43,059 1,596 13 - 1,129,309
Distributions to Pool Participants - - - - - - 65,739 65,739
Other Program Expenses - - - - 576 - - 576
Total Deductions 551,152 523,035 10,810 43,059 2,172 13 65,739 1,195,980
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 858,198 1,301,142 15,682 148,441 7,619 141 267,376 2,598,599
Net assets held in trust for pension benefits and pool participants:
July 1, 1997 (as restated) 6,174,141 8,702,282 98,830 977,978 52,816 699 691,788 16,698,534
June 30, 1998 $ 7,032,339 $ 10,003,424 $ 114,512 $ 1,126,419 $ 60,435 $ 840 $ 959,164 $ 19,297,133

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