State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1998 General Purpose Financial Statements - Combined Statement - Combined Statement of Cash Flows

State of Connecticut

Combined Statement of Cash Flows
All Proprietary Fund Types, Nonexpendable Trust Funds, and
Discretely Presented Component Units
For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1998
(Expressed in Thousands)
Proprietary Fund Fiduciary Fund Total Proprietary Fund Total
Types Type Primary Type Reporting
Internal Nonexpendable Government Component Entity
Enterprise Service Trust (Memorandum only) Units (Memorandum only)
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
Operating Income (Loss) $ 251,307 $ (615) $ 31,378 $ 282,070 $ 10,437 $ 292,507
Adjustments to Reconcile Operating Income (Loss) to Net Cash
Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities:
Amortization and Depreciation 15,608 16,864 - 32,472 23,016 55,488
Provision for Loan Losses 5,724 - - 5,724 3,309 9,033
Investment Income - - (33,829) (33,829) - (33,829)
Interest Expense 7,566 - 25,348 32,914 200,731 233,645
Changes in Assets and Liabilities:
(Increase) Decrease in Receivables. (21,331) (31) (1,424) (22,786) 2,837 (19,949)
(Increase) Decrease in Due From Other Funds 5,644 153 - 5,797 (1,311) 4,486
(Increase) Decrease in Receivable From Other Governments (97) - - (97) - (97)
(Increase) Decrease in Inventories and Prepaid Expenses (1,516) (607) - (2,123) (2,352) (4,475)
Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payable and Accrued
Liabilities (14,168) (257) 2 (14,423) (728) (15,151)
Increase (Decrease) in Due To Other Funds 798 (399) - 399 - 399
Issuance of Loans, Notes & Installment Contracts Receivable (463) - (54,666) (55,129) (967,481) (1,022,610)
Collection of Loans, Notes & Installment Contracts Receivable 2,358 - - 2,358 275,753 278,111
Miscellaneous Operating Activities 6,160 1,400 123 7,683 3,903 11,586
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities 257,590 16,508 (33,068) 241,030 (451,886) (210,856)
Cash Flows From Noncapital Financing Acitivites:
Contributed Capital - - - - 1,825 1,825
Proceeds From Sale of Bonds and Notes - - 110,901 110,901 408,085 518,986
Retirement of Bonds and Notes Payable (5,101) - (18,725) (23,826) (216,230) (240,056)
Interest on Bonds and Notes Payable (7,736) - (23,503) (31,239) (199,699) (230,938)
Transfers From Other Funds 8,344 - 28,253 36,597 - 36,597
Transfers To Other Funds (258,616) - (3,347) (261,963) - (261,963)
Bond Issuance and/or Redemption Costs - - - - (5,655) (5,655)
Miscellaneous Noncapital Financing Activities-Deletions - - - - (12,778) (12,778)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Noncapital Financing Activities (263,109) - 93,579 (169,530) (24,452) (193,982)
Cash Flows From Capital And Related Financing Activities:
Purchase of Fixed Assets (11,415) (15,512) - (26,927) (15,796) (42,723)
Proceeds From Sale of Bonds and Notes - - - - 698,520 698,520
Retirement of Bonds and Notes Payable (3,187) - - (3,187) (125,428) (128,615)
Interest on Bonds and Notes Payable (6,632) - - (6,632) (158,687) (165,319)
Capital Contributions or Grants 393 - - 393 - 393
Miscellaneous Capital and Related Financing Activities-Additions - - - - 141,844 141,844
Miscellaneous Capital and Related Financing Activities-Deletions (59) - - (59) (136,814) (136,873)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Capital and Related
Financing Activities (20,900) (15,512) - (36,412) 403,639 367,227
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
Proceeds From Sales of Investment Securities 57,127 - - 57,127 956,906 1,014,033
Purchase of Investment Securities (41,671) - (103,346) (145,017) (1,004,626) (1,149,643)
Interest and Income on Investments 9,385 - 25,256 34,641 105,755 140,396
Reduction in Loan Receivable - - - - 5,604 5,604
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities 24,841 - (78,090) (53,249) 63,639 10,390
Increase (Decrease) in Cash (1,578) 996 (17,579) (18,161) (9,060) (27,221)
Cash and Cash Equivalents - July 1 123,156 6,016 25,252 154,424 466,169 620,593
Cash and Cash Equivalents - June 30 $ 121,578 $ 7,012 $ 7,673 $ 136,263 457,109 $ 593,372
- - - - - -
Reconciliation of Cash and Cash Equivalents to Balance Sheet:
Cash and Cash Equivalents - June 30 (Balance Sheet) $ 59,943 $ 219,884 $ 266,843
Plus-Cash and Cash Equivalents in Restricted Assets. 61,635 - 190,266
Less-Cash and Cash Equivalents in Other Fiduciary Fund Types - 212,211 -
Cash and Cash Equivalents - June 30 $ 121,578 $ 7,673 $ 457,109
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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