State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1998 - Combining Financial Statements - All Agency Funds - Part I - Combining Statement of Changes in Assets & Liabilities

State of Connecticut

Combining Statement of Changes in Assets & Liabilities
All Agency Funds

For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1998
(Expressed in Thousands)

July 1, 1997
 Additions  Deletions Balance
June 30, 1998
Payroll and Fringe Benefit Clearing
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 1,047 $ 94 $ - $ 1,141
Due From Other Funds 2,496 3,252 2,496 3,252
Total Assets $ 3,543 $ 3,346 $ 2,496 $ 4,393
Agency Deposit Liability $ 3,543 $ 3,346 $ 2,496 $ 4,393
Total Liabilities $ 3,543 $ 3,346 $ 2,496 $ 4,393
Receipts Pending Distribution
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 21,498 $ 1,457 $ - $ 22,955
Accounts, Net of Allowances 526 752 526 752
Receivable From Other Governments 22 20 22 20
Total Assets $ 22,046 $ 2,229 $ 548 $ 23,727
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 3,762 $ - $ 418 $ 3,344
Due to Other Funds 6,684 1,427 - 8,111
Agency Deposit Liability. 11,600 1,541 869 12,272
Total Liabilities $ 22,046 $ 2,968 $ 1,287 $ 23,727
Insurance Companies' Securities
Other Assets $ 558,556 $ - $ 42,990 $ 515,566
Total Assets $ 558,556 $ - $ 42,990 $ 515,566
Agency Deposit Liability $ 558,556 $ - $ 42,990 $ 515,566
Total Liabilities $ 558,556 $ - $ 42,990 $ 515,566


July 1, 1997
 Additions  Deletions Balance
June 30, 1998
State Institution Activity
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 10,638 $ 1,296 $ 1,375 $ 10,559
Accounts, Net of Allowances 536 - 11 525
Loans, Net of Allowances 71 - 15 56
Interest 3 5 3 5
Inventories and Prepaid Items 29 1 3 27
Other Assets 1,670 156 - 1,826
Total Assets $ 12,947 $ 1,458 $ 1,407 $ 12,998
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 1,322 $ 138 $ 19 $ 1,441
Agency Deposit Liability 11,625 1,301 1,369 11,557
Total Liabilities $ 12,947 $ 1,439 $ 1,388 $ 12,998
Deferred Compensation
Investments $ 512,227 $ 109,972 $ - $ 622,199
Total Assets $ 512,227 $ 109,972 $ - $ 622,199
Deferred Compensation Liability. $ 512,227 $ 109,972 $ - $ 622,199
Total Liabilities $ 512,227 $ 109,972 $ - $ 622,199
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 70,057 $ 44,290 $ 4,460 $ 109,887
Accounts, Net of Allowances 12 - 12 -
Investments 1,376 2,171 1,376 2,171
Interest 62 80 62 80
Due From Other Funds 2,447 - 2,447 -
Total Assets $ 73,954 $ 46,541 $ 8,357 $ 112,138
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 187 $ 1,758 $ - $ 1,945
Agency Deposit Liability. 73,767 48,230 11,804 110,193
Total Liabilities $ 73,954 $ 49,988 $ 11,804 $ 112,138


July 1, 1997
 Additions  Deletions Balance
June 30, 1998
Totals - All Agency Funds
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 103,240 $ 47,137 $ 5,835 $ 144,542
Investments 513,603 112,143 1,376 624,370
Accounts, Net of Allowances . 1,074 752 549 1,277
Loans, Net of Allowances 71 - 15 56
Interest. 65 85 65 85
Due From Other Funds 4,943 3,252 4,943 3,252
Receivable From Other Governments 22 20 22 20
Inventories and Prepaid Items 29 1 3 27
Other Assets 560,226 156 42,990 517,392
Total Assets $ 1,183,273 $ 163,546 $ 55,798 $ 1,291,021
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 5,271 $ 1,896 $ 437 $ 6,730
Due To Other Funds 6,684 1,427 - 8,111
Deferred Compensation Liability 512,227 109,972 - 622,199
Agency Deposit Liability 659,091 54,418 59,528 653,981
Total Liabilities $ 1,183,273 $ 167,713 $ 59,965 $ 1,291,021

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