STATE OF CONNECTICUT Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - Notes to the Financial Statements - Note 9 - STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS

State of Connecticut

June 30,1997
(Amounts in thousands unless otherwise stated)

Note 9


The State sponsors three major public employee retirement systems: the State Employees' Retirement System (SERS) - consisting of Tier I (contributory) and Tier II (noncontributory), the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS), and the Judicial Retirement System (JRS).

SERS and JRS are administered by the State Comptroller's Retirement Division under the direction of the Connecticut State Employees Retirement Division. TRS is administered by the Teachers' Retirement Board. None of the above mentioned plans issue stand alone financial reports.

Plan Descriptions, Funding Policy, and Annual Pension Cost and Net Pension Obligation

Membership of each plan consisted of the following at the date of the latest actuarial evaluation:

Retirees and beneficiaries receiving benefits27,83517,950189
Terminated plan members entitled to but not yet receiving benefits6625,950-
Active plan members54,92941,370190

State Employees' Retirement System

Plan Description
SERS is a single-employer defined-benefit pension plan covering substantially all of the State full-time employees who are not eligible for another State sponsored retirement plan. Plan benefits, cost-of-living adjustments, contributions requirements of plan members and the State, and other plan provisions are described in Sections 5-152 to 5-192 of the General Statutes. The plan provides retirement, disability, and death benefits, and annual cost-of-living adjustments to plan members and their beneficiaries.

Funding Policy
Tier I Plan B and Hazardous Duty members are required to contribute 2% and 4% respectively, of their salary up to the Social Security Taxable Wage Base plus 5% above that level; Tier I Plan C members are required to contribute 5% of their annual salary. The State is required to contribute at an actuarially determined rate, which may be reduced by an act of the state legislature. For fiscal year 1997, the annual required contribution (ARC) was $542,781, however, in accordance with the provisions of collectively negotiated agreements, the State only contributed $349,231 to the plan. Administrative costs of the plan are funded by the State.

Teachers Retirement System

Plan Description
TRS is a single-employer defined-benefit pension plan covering any teacher, principal, superintendent or supervisor engaged in service of public schools in the State. Plan benefits, cost-of-living allowances, required contributions of plan members and the State and other plan provisions are described in Sections 10-183b to 10-183nn of the General Statutes. The plan provides retirement, disability, and death benefits, and annual cost-of-living adjustments to plan members and their beneficiaries.

Funding Policy
Plan members are required to contribute 6% of their annual salary. The State is required to contribute at an actuarially determined rate, which may be reduced by an act of the State legislature. For fiscal year 1997, the ARC was $173,982, however, the State contributed $147,885 to the plan, reflecting a reduction of $26.1 million by the legislature to the State's TRS appropriation. Administrative costs of the plan are funded by the State.

Judicial Retirement System

Plan Description
JRS is a single-employer defined-benefit pension plan covering any appointed judge or compensation commissioner in the State. Plan benefits, cost-of-living allowances, required contributions of plan members and the State, and other plan provisions are described in Sections 51-49 to 51-51 of the General Statutes. The plan provides retirement disability, and death benefits, and annual cost-of-living adjust-ments to plan members and their beneficiaries.

Funding Policy
Plan members are required to contribute 6% of their annual salary. The State is required to contribute at an actuarially determined rate, which may be reduced by an act of the State legislature. Administrative costs of the plan are funded by the State.

Annual Pension Cost, Net Pension Obligation, and Related Information
The State's annual pension cost and net pension obligation to SERS, TRS, and JRS for the current year were as follows:

Annual required contribution$542,781 $173,982 $9,342
Interest on net pension obligation106,58562,8313
Adjustment to annual required contribution(48,253)(30,703)(2)
Annual pension cost601,113206,1109,343
Contributions made349,231147,8859,342
Increase (decrease) in net pension obligation251,88258,2251
Net pension obligation beginning of year1,253,940739,19132
Net pension obligation end of year$1,505,822 $797,416 $33

Actuarial information related to the calculation of the annual required contribution for SERS, TRS, and JRS is as follows:

Actuarial valuation date6/30/966/30/969/30/96
Actuarial cost methodProjectedEntry ageProjected
unit creditunit credit
Amortization methodLevel percent of payLevel percent of payLevel percent of pay
Remaining amortization period36 years17-36 years35 years
Asset valuation method5-year smoothed market4-year smoothed market4-year smoothed market
Actuarial assumptions:
Investment rate of return*8.50%8.50%8.50%
Projected salary increases*3.3%-14.0%5.0% - 8.1%5.50%
*Includes inflation atN/A5.00%5.50%
Cost-of-living adjustments3.0%-4.5%4.00%3.0%-5.5%

Three-Year Trend Information

Cost (APC)
of APC
SERS1995$573,325 50.70%$1,038,241
TRS1995$182,486 72.60%$684,264
JRS1995$8,971 100%$31

In accordance with GASB Statement 27, Accounting for Pensions by State and Local Governmental Employers, the net pension obligation (NPO) at transition and the difference between the NPO and the prior pension liability are disclosed below.

Prior Pension Liability at Transition$1,851,998$3,618,088$14,014
Pension Liability at Transition1,253,940 739,191 32
Difference$ 598,058$2,878,897$13,982

Defined Contribution Plan
The State also sponsors the Connecticut Alternate Retirement Program (CARP), a defined contribution plan. CARP is administered by the State Comp-troller's Retirement Office under the direction of the Connecticut State Employees Retirement Division. Plan provisions, including contributions require-ments of plan members and the State, are described in Section 5-156 of the General Statutes.

Unclassified employees at any of the units of the Connecticut State System of Higher Education are eligible to participate in the plan. Plan members are required to contribute 5% of their annual salaries. The State is required to contribute 8% of covered salary. During the year, plan members and the State contributed $12,582 and $20,144, respectively.

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