State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1997 General Purpose Financial Statements - Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balances - Higher Education Funds

State of Connecticut

Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balances
Higher Education Funds

For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1997
(Expressed in Thousands)

Current Fundsand
Unrestricted Restricted Similar FundsLoan
Revenues and Other Additions:
Current Funds Revenue $ 485,133 $ 141,060 $ - $ - $ - $ - $626,193
Federal Grants and Contracts - - - 18 - - 18
Private Gifts and Grants - - 6 81 - - 87
Investment Earnings - - 194 159 6,460 - 6,813
Interest on Loans Receivable - - - 470 - - 470
Expended for Plant Facilities - - - - 178,553 - 178,553
Retirement of Indebtedness - - - - 10,058 - 10,058
Foundation Revenues - - - - - 32,781 32,781
Miscellaneous- - 20 120 24,117 - 24,257
Total Revenues and Other Additions 485,133 141,060 220 848 219,188 32,781 879,230
Expenditures and Other Deductions:
Education and General799,468 132,225 - - - - 931,693
Auxiliary Enterprises100,957 128 - - - - 101,085
Patient Care 50,338 163 - - - - 50,501
Indirect Costs Recovered - 13,872 - - - - 13,872
Loan Cancellations and Write-offs - - - 1,709 - - 1,709
Interest on Indebtedness - - - - 1,131 - 1,131
Capital Expenditures - - - - 149,805 - 149,805
Disposal of Plant Facilities - - - - 8,582 - 8,582
Administrative Costs - - - 136 - - 136
Retirement of Indebtedness - - - - 10,058 10,058
Foundation Expenditures - - - - - 8,003 8,003
Other - 63 51 925 19,486 - 20,525
Total Expenditures and Other Deductions 950,763 146,451 51 2,770 189,062 8,003 1,297,100
Transfers Among Funds - Additions (Deductions)
Retirement of Indebtedness (3,598) - - - 3,598 - -
Transfer From Foundation - 5,364 - - - (5,364) -
Transfer To Foundation (3,804) - - - - 3,804 -
Other (10,329) 2,630 7 (49) 7,741 - -
Total Transfers Among Funds (17,731) 7,994 7 (49)11,339 (1,560) -
Operating Transfers from the State's
Governmental Funds 472,967 - 9,113 - 125,486 - 607,566
Net Increase (Decrease) in Fund Balances (10,394) 2,603 9,289 (1,971)166,951 23,218 189,696
Fund Balances (deficit) - July 1 (as restated)71,255 27,260 5,155 32,059 1,526,931 82,661 1,745,321
Fund Balances (deficit) - June 30 $ 60,861 $ 29,863 $ 14,444 $ 30,088 $ 1,693,882 $ 105,879 $ 1,935,017

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