State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1997 All Agency Funds - Combining Statement of Changes in Assets & Liabilities

State of Connecticut

Combining Statement of Changes in Assets & Liabilities
All Agency Funds

For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1997
(Expressed in Thousands)

July 1, 1996 Additions Deletions June 30, 1997
Payroll and Fringe Benefit Clearing
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 970 $ 77 $ - $ 1,047
Due From Other Funds 2,247 249 - 2,496
Total Assets $ 3,217 $ 326 $ - $ 3,543
Agency Deposit Liability $ 3,217 $ 326 $ - $ 3,543
Total Liabilities $ 3,217 $ 326 $ - $ 3,543
Receipts Pending Distribution
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 24,866 $ - $ 3,368 $ 21,498
Accounts, Net of Allowances 830 - 304 526
Receivable From Other Governments 17 5 - 22
Total Assets $ 25,713 $ 5 $ 3,672 $ 22,046
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 2,693 $ 1,069 $ - $ 3,762
Due to Other Funds 12,289 5,605 6,684
Agency Deposit Liability 10,731 1,460 591 11,600
Total Liabilities $ 25,713 $ 2,529 $ 6,196 $ 22,046
Investment Pool Non-State Portion
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 678,285 $ 62,997 $ 22,585 $ 718,697
Interest 3,270 140 3,270 140
Total Assets $ 681,555 $ 63,137 $ 25,855 $ 718,837
Agency Deposit Liability 681,555 38,567 1,285 718,837
Total Liabilities $ 681,555 $ 38,567 $ 1,285 $ 718,837
Insurance Companies' Securities
Other Assets $ 570,879 $ - $ 12,323 $ 558,556
Total Assets $ 570,879 $ - $ 12,323 $ 558,556
Agency Deposit Liability $ 570,879 $ - $ 12,323 $ 558,556
Total Liabilities $ 570,879 $ - $ 12,323 $ 558,556
State Institution Activity
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 18,783 $ 12,855 $ 21,000 $ 10,638
Accounts, Net of Allowances 378 158 - 536
Loans, Net of Allowances 98 - 27 71
Interest 47 3 47 3
Inventories and Prepaid Items 373 - 344 29
Other Assets 1,685 - 15 1,670
Total Assets $ 21,364 $ 13,016 $ 21,433 $ 12,947
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 3,631 $ - $ 2,309 $ 1,322
Agency Deposit Liability 17,733 12,824 18,932 11,625
Total Liabilities $ 21,364 $ 12,824 $ 21,241 $ 12,947
Deferred Compensation
Investments $ 411,870 $ 100,357 $ - $ 512,227
Total Assets $ 411,870 $ 100,357 $ - $ 512,227
Deferred Compensation Liability $ 411,870 $ 100,357 $ - $ 512,227
Total Liabilities $ 411,870 $ 100,357 $ - $ 512,227
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 73,754 $ - $ 3,697 $ 70,057
Accounts, Net of Allowances 12 - - 12
Investments - 1,376 - 1,376
Interest 288 - 226 62
Due From Other Funds 3,111 - 664 2,447
Total Assets $ 77,165 $ 1,376 $ 4,587 $ 73,954
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 48 $ 139 $ - $ 187
Agency Deposit Liability 77,117 5,088 8,438 73,767
Total Liabilities $ 77,165 $ 5,227 $ 8,438 $ 73,954
$ - $ - $ - $ -
Totals - All Agency Funds
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 796,658 $ 75,929 $ 50,650 $ 821,937
Investments 411,870 101,733 - 513,603
Accounts, Net of Allowances 1,220 158 304 1,074
Loans, Net of Allowances 98 - 27 71
Interest 3,605 143 3,543 205
Due From Other Funds 5,358 249 664 4,943
Receivable From Other Governments 17 5 - 22
Inventories and Prepaid Items 373 - 344 29
Other Assets 572,564 - 12,338 560,226
Total Assets $ 1,791,763 $ 178,217 $ 67,870 $ 1,902,110
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 6,372 $ 1,208 $ 2,309 $ 5,271
Due To Other Funds 12,289 5,605 6,684
Deferred Compensation Liability 411,870 100,357 512,227
Agency Deposit Liability 1,361,232 58,265 41,569 1,377,928
Total Liabilities $ 1,791,763 $ 159,830 $ 49,483 $ 1,902,110

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