State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1997 Enterprise Funds- Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and

State of Connecticut

Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and
Changes in Retained Earnings
Enterprise Funds

For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1997
(Expressed in Thousands)

Operating Revenues:
Charges for Services. $ - $ 32,731 $ - $ - $ 2,201 $ 34,932
Interest on Financing Activities 3,001 - - - - 3,001
Patient Service Revenue - - 128,551 - - 128,551
Lottery Sales - - - 769,790 - 769,790
Miscellaneous - - 1,321 - 27 1,348
Total Operating Revenues 3,001 32,731 129,872 769,790 2,228 937,622
Operating Expenses:
Administrative 72 19,746 36,972 6,493 2,303 65,586
Cost of Sale & Services - - - 510,369 - 510,369
Depreciation and Amortization 4 7,982 6,002 351 8 14,347
Interest on Financing Activities 7,814 - - - - 7,814
Patient Care - - 83,056 - - 83,056
Total Operating Expenses 7,890 27,728 126,030 517,213 2,311 681,172
Operating Income (Loss) (4,889) 5,003 3,842 252,577 (83) 256,450
Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses):
Interest and Investment Income 4,328 3,721 775 2,061 - 10,885
Interest and Fiscal Charges - (6,718) (51) (1,239) - (8,008)
Other - 2,342 - 113 - 2,455
Total Nonoperating Income (Expense) 4,328 (655) 724 935 - 5,332
Income (Loss) Before Operating Transfers (561) 4,348 4,566 253,512 (83) 261,782
Operating Transfers:
Operating Transfers In 4,849 - 160 - - 5,009
Operating Transfers Out (408) - - (252,993) - (253,401)
Net Income (Loss) 3,880 4,348 4,726 519 (83) 13,390
Retained Earnings (deficit) - July 1 (as restated) 31,493 7,873 93,468 - 786 133,620
Residual Equity Transfer Out - - (317) - - (317)
Residual Equity Transfer In - - - 7,952 - 7,952
Retained Earnings (deficit) - June 30 $ 35,373 $ 12,221 $ 97,877 $ 8,471 $ 703 $ 154,645

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