STATE OF CONNECTICUT Comprehensive Annual Financial Report -Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds

State of Connecticut

Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and
Changes in Fund Balances
All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds

For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30,1996
(Expressed in thousands)

Governmental Fund Types
Fund Type





Taxes $6,831,209 $508,054 $ - $ - $580,150 $7,919,413
Licenses, Permits and Fees 111,986 317,817 - - 73 429,876
Intergovernmental 2,643,670 186,811 - 324,609 - 3,155,090
Charges for Services 188,443 23,386 - - - 211,829
Fines, Forfeits and Rents 23,929 1,430 - - - 25,359
Investment Earnings 25,691 17,958 29,586 119 19,006 92,360
Lottery - 706,860 - - - 706,860
Assessments. - - - - 253,750 253,750
Miscellaneous 128,965 63,393 - 192 10,355 202,905
Total Revenues 9,953,893 1,825,709 29,586 324,920 863,334 12,997,442
Legislative 47,422 - - - - 47,422
General Government. 550,369 632,304 - - 9,428 1,192,101
Regulation and Protection 104,577 310,731 - - 587,569 1,002,877
Conservation and Development 65,257 156,126 - - - 221,383
Health and Hospitals 819,068 7,433 - - - 826,501
Transportation. - 358,144 - - - 358,144
Human Services. 3,439,377 10,705 - - - 3,450,082
Education, Libraries and Museums 1,819,843 159,068 - - - 1,978,911
Corrections 839,003 7,302 - - - 846,305
Judicial. 264,492 7,079 - - - 271,571
Federal and Other Grants 808,233 67,197 - - - 875,430
Capital Projects. - - - 689,532 - 689,532
Debt Service:
Principal Retirement 366,670 41,010 431,120 - 74,481 913,281
Interest and Fiscal Charges. 270,308 15,479 180,430 - 41,799 508,016
Total Expenditures 9,394,619 1,772,578 611,550 689,532 713,277 13,181,556
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 559,274 53,131 (581,964) (364,612) 150,057 (184,114)
Other Financing Sources (Uses):
Proceeds from Sale of Bonds and Notes. - 404,702 265,596 694,026 - 1,364,324
Operating Transfers In 264,781 126,339 382,428 - - 773,548
Operating Transfers Out. (625,972) (569,047) (30,483) (107,128) (4,073) (1,336,703)
Capital Lease Obligations 4,316 636 - - - 4,952
Proceeds of Refunding Bonds - - 225,891 - 227,469 453,360
Payment to Refunded Bond Escrow Agent - - (225,891) - - (225,891)
Payment for Current Refunding of Debt - - - - (227,469) (227,469)
Total Other Financing Sources (Uses). (356,875) (37,370) 617,541 586,898 (4,073) 806,121
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other
Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses 202,399 15,761 35,577 222,286 145,984 622,007
Fund Balances (deficit) - July 1 (380,696) 780,051 420,163 193,766 253,296 1,266,580
Equity Transfer to Component Units Contributed Capital. - (4,752) - - - (4,752)
Changes in Reserves for Inventories 1,025 (222) - - - 803
Fund Balances (deficit) - June 30 $(177,272) $790,838 $455,740 $416,052 $399,280 $1,884,638
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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