Military Procedures - Administrative Services Division -- Office of the State Comptroller
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Administrative Services Division

Military Procedures


State legislation (Public Act No. 03-3) provides for additional benefits and compensation for State employees called to active military service in the armed forces of any state or the United States for Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Noble Eagle, a related emergency operation, or a military operation whose mission was substantially changed as a result of the attacks of September 11, 2001, or for federal action or state action authorized by the Governor in support of the federal Department of Homeland Security's Operation Liberty Shield, military operations that are authorized by the President of the United States that entail military action against Iraq, or federal action or state action authorized by the Governor to combat terrorism within the United States.

Paid Leave for Thirty Calendar Days

When activated, full time employees are entitled to receive their regular pay for thirty (30) calendar days from the date upon which they were called to emergency active duty under CGS Section 27-33 and/or the applicable collective bargaining agreement. If the call-up continues into the next calendar year, activated employees are eligible for another 30 calendar days of paid military leave starting January 1 of that year.

The State will make provision for the payment (Part-Pay) of the difference between basic military compensation and the employee's base pay plus longevity for all full time State employees (the employee may have permanent or non-permanent status provided he/she is full-time) called to active military service as noted above in 'Authority'.

Agencies must collect information that is requested on the "Request for Information Regarding State Employees in the Reserves of the Armed Forces of the United States" form, and send the completed form to the Office of the State Comptroller's Administrative Services Division. This information is to be submitted on all employees who are in the military reserve, including the National Guard, whether or not they have been called to active duty.

A notarized Payroll Information Release Form must be sent to the Administrative Services Division. This gives the Comptroller the authority to request payroll information from the military. This will be done only if an agency is unable to attain an activated employee's military LES (Leave and Earnings Statement).

If the employee has been activated, a copy of the employee's military orders must be sent to the Administrative Services Division.

Review the military orders for the employee's name, social security number, address, date of activation and mainly for the 'Purpose of activation'. The Purpose should state; Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Noble Eagle or Operation Liberty Shield. Refer to the 'Authority' above.

Part Pay Certification

After the expiration of the thirty calendar days the Office of the Comptroller, Administrative Services Division will certify to each employing agency the total military compensation and the employee's base rate of pay, plus longevity, in the employee's primary State position. This amount will represent the equivalent bi-weekly military compensation and will be sent to the payroll unit. Eligibility for "part pay" is contingent on the fact that the employee receives no other full pay from the State.

Revised Part Pay

While he/she is activated, an employee should forward an LES to their agency to notify them of an increase in their military basic pay. Failure to do so could result in over/under payments. The agency must send a copy of the LES to the Administrative Services Division.

Return to State Service

When a state employee returns from active military service a 'Request for Information Employees Returning To State Service From Active Military Service' form must be provided to the Administrative Services Division.


The reconciliation for the part pay is done at the employing agency Payroll Department.

Recent Memoranda written concerning Military Leave:

Memorandum No. 2007-35 - Request for Information Regarding State Employees in the Reserves of the Armed Forces of the United States
Memorandum No. 2007-25 - Military Leave - Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Noble Eagle and Operation Liberty Shield Benefits and Compensation
Memorandum No. 2007-35 - State Employees Returning from Active Military Service

Return to Military Part Pay Overview

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