Net Position by Component Statistical Section Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015

Net Position by Component
Last Ten Fiscal Years
(Expressed in Thousands)
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Governmental Activities:
Net Invested in Capital Assets $3,469,145 $4,269,038 $4,930,749 $5,499,602 $4,910,178 $4,905,025 $5,305,440 $5,824,691 $5,776,818 $4,957,690
Restricted 1,496,693 1,384,938 1,641,377 1,617,726 1,777,780 1,809,873 1,647,790 2,282,900 1,795,757 1,884,897
Unrestricted (10,041,840) (10,497,613) (13,460,055) (16,686,518) (20,361,003) (20,764,608) (21,984,094) (23,199,567) (24,943,380) (47,667,704)
Total Governmental Activities Net Position $(5,076,002) $(4,843,637) $(6,887,929) $(9,569,190) $(13,673,045) $(14,049,710) $(15,030,864) $(15,091,976) $(17,370,805) $(40,825,117)
Business-Type Activities:
Net Invested in Capital Assets $2,303,600 $2,345,553 $2,465,734 $2,499,175 $2,544,919 $2,677,999 $2,810,724 $3,029,092 $3,169,151 $3,448,779
Restricted 1,606,661 1,769,958 1,649,200 1,359,459 1,157,139 1,051,544 995,806 898,180 1,065,211 1,154,457
Unrestricted 140,071 235,022 306,755 373,035 302,435 171,738 360,131 391,597 546,492 895,770
Total Business-Type Activities Net Position $4,050,332 $4,350,533 $4,421,689 $4,231,669 $4,004,493 $3,901,281 $4,166,661 $4,318,869 $4,780,854 $5,499,006
Primary Government:
Net Invested in Capital Assets $5,772,745 $6,614,591 $7,396,483 $7,998,777 $7,455,097 $7,583,024 $8,116,164 $8,853,783 $8,945,969 $8,406,469
Restricted 3,103,354 3,154,896 3,290,577 2,977,185 2,934,919 2,861,417 2,643,596 3,181,080 2,860,968 3,039,354
Unrestricted (9,901,769) (10,262,591) (13,153,300) (16,313,483) (20,058,568) (20,592,870) (21,623,963) (22,807,970) (24,396,888) (46,771,934)
Total Primary Government Net Position $(1,025,670) $(493,104) $(2,466,240) $(5,337,521) $(9,668,552) $(10,148,429) $(10,864,203) $(10,773,107) $(12,589,951) $(35,326,111)

Notes: The governmental activities have a deficit in unrestricted Net Position mainly because the State recognized in the Statement of Net Position the following long-term obligations:
1. General obligation bonds which were issued to finance various grant programs of the State, such as school construction and municipal aid.
2. Other long-term obligations which the State has partially funded or not funded. For example, net pension liabilities, compensated absences obligations, etc.
3. In fiscal year 2014, Bradley International Airport, a major Enterprise fund, was reclassified as a major component unit. Business-type activities for the fiscal years prior to 2014 have been restated to reflect this change.
4. In fiscal year 2015, the State implemented GASB statement No. 68 requiring the reporting of the actuarially determined liability to the pension plan members net of the fiduciary net position of the plans.