Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015 COMBINING FUNDS STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES - NONMAJOR FUNDS - Pension and (Other Employee Benefit) Trust Funds

Pension and (Other Employee Benefit) Trust Funds

Pension Trust Funds:

See notes 10 and 11 for a description of the Pension Trust Funds.

Retired Teachers' Health Benefits Plan:

This fund is used to account for resources used to provide health benefits to retired teachers and their beneficiaries. The plan is administered by the Teachers' Retirement Board.

Policemen, Firemen Survivors' Benefits Plan:

This fund is used to account for resources used to provide benefits to the survivors of policemen and firemen. The plan is administered by the State Comptroller's Retirement Division.

State Employees' Health Benefits Plan:

To account for resources used to provide health benefits to retired State employees and their beneficiaries. The plan is administered by the State Comptroller's Retirement Division.