Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015 COMBINING FUNDS STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES - NONMAJOR FUNDS - Combining Statement of Net Assets Nonmajor Component Units

Combining Statement of Net Position
Nonmajor Component Units

June 30, 2015
(Expressed in Thousands)
Higher Connecticut     Clean  
Education Health Connecticut   Capital Energy  
Supplemental and Educational Resources Connecticut   Region Finance and Connecticut  
Loan Facilities Recovery Innovations, UConn Development Investment Green  
Authority Authority Authority Incorporated Foundation Authority Authority Bank Total
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents $2,326 $441 $965 $53,771 $57,003 $3,960 $11,159 $39,894 $169,519
Investments - 5,413 - - 2,325 405,790 - - 413,528
Accounts, Net of Allowances - 155 - 12,122 - 32,581 4,924 2,554 52,336
Loans, Net of Allowances 16,754 - - - 5,682 - - - 22,436
Interest Receivable 599 - - - 1,431 - - - 2,030
Due From Primary Government - - - - 1,102 - - - 1,102
Restricted Assets 28,512 323,724 38,935 1,800 - - 6,114 - 399,085
Inventories - - - 5,916 - - - - 5,916
Other Current Assets 2,014 74 34 2,442 218 - 446 6,461 11,689
Total Current Assets 50,205 329,807 39,934 76,051 67,761 442,331 22,643 48,909 1,077,641
Noncurrent Assets:
Investments - - - - 77,048 - - 1,000 78,048
Accounts, Net of Allowances - - - - - 30,928 - - 30,928
Loans, Net of Allowances 102,988 - 307,638 - 50,796 - 26,947 - 488,369
Restricted Assets 23,557 10,407 - - 46,268 887 4,895 8,799 94,813
Capital Assets, Net of Accumulated Depreciation - 169 - 105,276 341 6,594 310,099 26,970 449,449
Other Noncurrent Assets 155 - - 392 133 1,693 838 51,895 55,106
Total Noncurrent Assets 126,700 10,576 307,638 105,668 174,586 40,102 342,779 88,664 1,196,713
Total Assets 176,905 340,383 347,572 181,719 242,347 482,433 365,422 137,573 2,274,354
Deferred Outflows of Resources
Unamortized Losses on Bond Refundings - - - - - - - - -
Decrease Fair Value Hedging Derivative - - - - - - - - -
Related to Pensions - - - - 3,311 - - 1,670 4,981
Other - - - - 88 - - - 88
Total Deferred Outflows of Resources - - - - 3,399 - - 1,670 5,069
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities 2,887 2,297 4,311 18,865 4,708 6,362 12,090 14,644 66,164
Current Portion of Long-Term Obligations 11,105 - - - 500 2,770 3,993 - 18,368
Due To Primary Government - - - - - - 33,109 - 33,109
Amounts Held for Institutions - 320,224 - - - - - - 320,224
Other Liabilities - - - - 19,171 - - - 19,171
Total Current Liabilities 13,992 322,521 4,311 18,865 24,379 9,132 49,192 14,644 457,036
Noncurrent Liabilities:
Pension Liability - - - - 28,019 - - 14,900 42,919
Noncurrent Portion of Long-Term Obligations 144,573 2,172 311,226 3,500 11,157 37,519 94,327 - 604,474
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 144,573 2,172 311,226 3,500 39,176 37,519 94,327 14,900 647,393
Total Liabilities 158,565 324,693 315,537 22,365 63,555 46,651 143,519 29,544 1,104,429
Deferred Inflows of Resources
Unamortized Investment Earnings - - - - 1,001 - - 532 1,533
Other Deferred Inflows - - - - - - - - -
Total Deferred Inflows of Resources - - - - 1,001 - - 532 1,533
Net Position
Net Investment in Capital Assets - 169 - 105,277 341 (726) 179,270 26,971 311,302
Debt Service 15,923 - 7,891 - - - - - 23,814
Expendable Endowments - - - - - 96,702 - - 96,702
Nonexpendable Endowments - - - - - 339,806 - 1 339,807
Other Purposes - 11,735 - 48 15,163 - 36,150 8,799 71,895
Unrestricted (Deficit) 2,417 3,786 24,144 54,029 165,686 - 6,483 73,396 329,941
Total Net Position $18,340 $15,690 $32,035 $159,354 $181,190 $435,782 $221,903 $109,167 $1,173,461