Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Budgetary Comparison Schedule Required Supplementary Information General and Transportation Funds

Budgetary Comparison Schedule
Required Supplementary Information
General and Transportation Funds
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015
(Expressed in Thousands)

General Fund  Transportation Fund
  Budget   Variance with 
 Final Budget
Budget    Variance with
 Final Budget
Revenues Original Final Actual  positive  
Original Final Actual  positive
Taxes, Net of Refunds $14,914,700 $14,807,500 $14,792,350 $(15,150) $958,900 $916,700 $931,116 $14,416
Casino Gaming Payments 278,500 268,000 267,986 (14) - - - -
Licenses, Permits, and Fees 256,200 257,600 257,444 (156) 377,000 388,400 394,908 6,508
Other 324,400 396,000 390,448 (5,552) 5,000 5,800 6,946 1,146
Federal Grants 1,299,600 1,241,200 1,241,244 44 12,100 12,100 12,115 15
Refunds of Payments (72,900) (64,300) (64,281) 19 (3,200) (3,900) (3,871) 29
Operating Transfers In 443,100 443,300 420,681 (22,619) - 53,800 41,197 (12,603)
Operating Transfers Out (61,800) (61,800) (61,780) 20 (6,500) (6,500) (6,500) -
Transfer to/from the Resources of the General Fund 76,400 26,200 37,946 11,746 - - - -
Transfer Out - Transportation Strategy Board - - - - (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) -
Total Revenues 17,458,200 17,313,700 17,282,038 (31,662) 1,328,300 1,351,400 1,360,911 9,511
Legislative 86,657 86,657 73,563 13,094 - - - -
General Government 689,334 691,517 661,000 30,517 7,916 7,344 6,520 824
Regulation and Protection 299,132 307,629 287,252 20,377 76,538 76,538 63,869 12,669
Conservation and Development 219,944 221,190 205,811 15,379 - - - -
Health and Hospitals 1,803,282 1,799,971 1,785,337 14,634 - - - -
Transportation - - - - 594,037 614,914 592,393 22,521
Human Services 3,050,345 3,131,837 3,095,929 35,908 - - - -
Education, Libraries, and Museums 5,092,546 5,078,556 5,025,390 53,166 - - - -
Corrections 1,496,765 1,505,891 1,476,753 29,138 - - - -
Judicial 601,930 608,268 593,314 14,954 - - - -
Non Functional 4,337,746 4,246,771 4,215,340 31,431 681,587 682,610 659,887 22,723
Total Expenditures 17,677,681 17,678,287 17,419,689 258,598 1,360,078 1,381,406 1,322,669 58,737
Appropriations Lapsed 132,105 205,164 - (205,164) 11,000 21,468 - (21,468)
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues -
Over Expenditures (87,376) (159,423) (137,651) 21,772 (20,778) (8,538) 38,242 46,780
Other Financing Sources (Uses)
Prior Year Appropriations Carried Forward 85,920 85,920 85,920 - 26,340 26,340 26,340 -
Appropriations Continued to Fiscal Year 2016 - - (64,964) (64,964) - - (33,311) (33,311)
Release of 2014 Surplus Reserve - - - - - - - -
Miscellaneous Adjustments - 3,527 3,527 - - - - -
Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 85,920 89,447 24,483 (64,964) 26,340 26,340 (6,971) (33,311)
Net Change in Fund Balance $(1,456) $(69,976) (113,168) $(43,192) $5,562 $17,802 31,271 $13,469
Budgetary Fund Balances - July 1 (as restated) 171,369 175,115
Changes in Reserves (20,956) 6,971
Budgetary Fund Balances - June 30 $37,245 $213,357

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.