Operating Indicators By Function Statistical Section Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014

Operating Indicators By Function
Last Ten Fiscal Years
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Office of Legislative Management
Number of Public and Special Acts 267 319 206 256 200 270 217 273 221 311
Number of Amendments Drafted 2,614 2,102 2,040 2,977 2,853 3,889 2,717 3,043 2,458 2,756
General Government
Office of the State Treasurer
% of Payments made Electronically 51.5% 56.7% 56.2% 64.2% 66.1% 69.0% 68.8% 63.4% 74.6% 69.6%
Number of Unclaimed Property Claims Paid 11,938 11,985 22,732 20,930 16,787 14,481 17,360 17,933 18,381 17,852
Department of Revenue Services
% of Income Tax Returns Filed Electronically 45.0% 54.0% 67.0% 70.2% 72.4% 70.5% 75.0% 78.0% 81.0% 82.0%
Revenue Collected per $1 of Agency Expense $191 $202 $202 $207 $207 $178 $203 $250 $270 $256
Department of Construction Services
Number of Construction Contracts Awarded 25 27 34 28 13 20 28 22 26 n/a
State Floor Space Owned and Leased 8,882,469 8,656,234 8,621,174 8,713,211 8,770,901 8,651,460 7,465,869 7,129,801 7,895,255 n/a
Regulation and Protection
Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection
Number of Background Checks - Firearms 40,508 38,672 35,159 64,766 29,693 44,632 37,194 33,064 38,304 47,745
Number of Fingerprint Checks for CT/Pd's 118,717 107,056 122,193 258,111 178,379 165,603 211,163 138,044 110,452 98,216
Department of Motor Vehicles
Number of Registered Motor Vehicles 3,020,000 3,078,000 3,040,000 3,015,867 3,016,521 3,002,772 3,007,638 2,974,801 2,973,691 2,272,537
Number of Licensed Drivers 2,300,000 2,460,000 2,400,000 2,848,602 2,883,324 2,916,143 2,934,576 2,986,267 3,029,328 2,534,090
Department of Labor
Number of Initial Unemployment Claims 248,109 222,770 222,553 215,404 261,400 326,179 299,563 335,166 275,782 265,700
Persons Using Employment Service (1) 54,915 61,103 116,100 140,922 170,701 211,613 228,283 228,203 218,879 218,879
Conservation and Development
Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Nitrogen Discharged into Long Island Sound (2) 11,607 11,208 10,940 10,558 9,100 8,400 7,670 7,670 7,500 7,500
Attained Goal of Open Space (3) 77.4% 77.6% 77.8% 78.0% 78.0% 79.0% 81.0% 79.0% 81.0% 81.0%
Health and Hospitals
Department of Public Health
Number of Tuberculosis Cases Served 3,518 3,041 3,238 3,498 2,770 3,124 3,006 2,103 1,988 1,515
(severed includes both active and latent cases)
Number of Licenses Applications - New 11,592 12,914 12,750 15,439 12,595 12,964 14,899 14,510 13,976 17,116
Number of Licenses Applications - Renewal 145,985 136,069 133,887 140,973 123,014 149,818 151,205 149,370 150,663 153,997
Department of Developmental Services
Number of Qualified Providers 132 127 161 184 176 188 204 233 239 248
Number of Persons Served in Various Programs 20,148 19,997 20,256 15,148 15,270 15,390 15,495 15,640 15,858 16,037
Human Services
Department of Social Services
Number of Medicaid Eligible Clients 393,998 403,972 399,635 392,179 409,960 434,480 465,667 556,558 581,174 610,527
Temp Family Assistance Average Caseload 24,658 24,104 22,556 21,124 20,203 20,862 20,862 20,517 19,223 18,506
Child Care Number of Children Served 19,799 18,920 21,440 22,523 21,422 18,204 18,204 20,154 20,747 13,804
Department of Higher Education
Number of Degrees Conferred - Statewide 33,659 34,582 35,694 36,045 36,634 38,047 38,912 40,218 n/a n/a
Enrollment - Statewide 172,631 174,257 176,542 178,855 184,544 191,134 193,212 200,637 n/a n/a
Department of Transportation
Active Construction Projects 190 181 159 175 212 281 257 188 102 117
Miles of Road Resurfaced 362 305 191 218 265 215 282 258 340 326
Estimated Billions of Persons Using Roadways 4.154 4.191 4.228 4.265 4.302 4.399 4.313 4,353 4,157 4,185
Department of Corrections
Incarcerated Population 18,837 18,390 18,352 18,970 19,482 19,204 18,431 17,631 16,591 16,674
Direct Daily Inmate Expenditures $76 $81 $84 $86 $90 $92 $90 $95 $95 $95
Judicial Branch
Number of Superior Court Cases Filed 536,501 517,836 542,655 547,354 570,497 563,572 567,607 513,511 468,981 443,135
Average Number of Supervised Probationers 57,516 56,145 58,117 57,597 56,500 56,555 57,778 53,345 50,699 48,779

(1) The department of Labor assists individuals in job search, resume preparation, etc.
(2) Average annual number of tons
(3) Percentage of accomplished State goal to acquire 320,957 acres of open space

n/a = statistic not available at time of publication