Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 COMBINING FUNDS STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES - Nonmajor Governmental Funds - By Fund Type -

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and
Changes in Fund Balances
Nonmajor Governmental Funds - By Fund Type
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014
(Expressed in Thousands)
Special Capital
Revenue Projects Permanent
Funds Funds Funds Total
Licenses, Permits, and Fees $40,970 $- $- $40,970
Tobacco Settlement 197,138 - - 197,138
Federal Grants and Aid 99,941 - - 99,941
Charges for Services 850 - - 850
Fines, Forfeits, and Rents 1,191 - - 1,191
Investment Earnings 609 - 9,306 9,915
Interest on Loans 53 - - 53
Miscellaneous 125,776 102 1 125,879
Total Revenues 466,528 102 9,307 475,937
General Government 93,159 - - 93,159
Regulation and Protection 190,002 - - 190,002
Conservation and Development 201,611 - 500 202,111
Health and Hospitals 5,068 - - 5,068
Transportation - - - -
Human Services 7,809 - - 7,809
Education, Libraries, and Museums 4,080 - 10 4,090
Corrections 4,249 - - 4,249
Judicial 48,352 - 13 48,365
Capital Projects - 955,785 - 955,785
Debt Service:
Interest and Fiscal Charges 1,049 6,376 - 7,425
Total Expenditures 555,379 962,161 523 1,518,063
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (88,851) (962,059) 8,784 (1,042,126)
Other Financing Sources (Uses)
Bonds Issued 254,515 1,363,284 - 1,617,799
Premium on Bonds Issued 16,151 148,146 - 164,297
Transfers In 81,106 - 29 81,135
Transfers Out (243,222) (501,801) (3,346) (748,369)
Special Item: Transfer to General Fund - - - -
Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 108,550 1,009,629 (3,317) 1,114,862
Net Change in Fund Balances 19,699 47,570 5,467 72,736
Fund Balances - Beginning 274,972 287,645 102,586 665,203
Fund Balances - Ending $294,671 $335,215 $108,053 $737,939