Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 COMBINING FUNDS STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES - Nonmajor Governmental Funds - By Fund Type

Balance Sheet
Nonmajor Governmental Funds - By Fund Type
June 30, 2014
(Expressed in Thousands)
Special Capital
Revenue Projects Permanent
Funds Funds Funds Total
Cash and Cash Equivalents $164,736 $234,382 $6,564 $405,682
Investments 3,605 - 109,464 113,069
Securities Lending Collateral - - 8,210 8,210
Accounts, Net of Allowances 20,437 801 - 21,238
Loans, Net of Allowances 145,199 - - 145,199
From Other Governments 4,437 - - 4,437
From Other Funds 8,311 285,941 2 294,254
Other Receivables - - 1 1
Other Assets - - - -
Total Assets $346,725 $521,124 $124,241 $992,090
Liabilities, Deferred Inflows, and Fund Balances
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $7,134 $48,923 $- $56,057
Notes Payable - - - -
Due to Other Funds 14,103 136,185 7,978 158,266
Due to Component Units - - - -
Unearned Revenue 12,584 - - 12,584
Securities Lending Obligation - - 8,210 8,210
Total Liabilities 33,821 185,108 16,188 235,117
Deferred Inflows of Resources
Receivables to be Collected in Future Periods 18,233 801 - 19,034
Fund Balances
Restricted Purposes - - - -
Permanent Fund Principal - - 109,463 109,463
Restricted 278,159 335,933 5,660 619,752
Assigned 16,512 - - 16,512
Unassigned - (718) (7,070) (7,788)
Total Fund Balances 294,671 335,215 108,053 737,939
Total Liabilities, Deferred Inflows and Fund Balances $346,725 $521,124 $124,241 $992,090