Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013 COMBINING FUNDS STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES - NONMAJOR FUNDS - Combining Statement of Cash Flows Nonmajor Enterprise Funds

Combining Statement of Cash Flows
Nonmajor Enterprise Funds

June 30, 2013
(Expressed in Thousands)
Second Injury &
Rate Reduction
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Receipts from Customers $36,602 $23,002 $6,265 $- $65,869
Payments to Suppliers - (6,366) (1,770) - (8,136)
Payments to Employees (6,869) (1,742) (2,636) - (11,247)
Other Receipts (Payments) (30,112) 1,936 (7,203) - (35,379)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities (379) 16,830 (5,344) - 11,107
Cash Flows from Noncapital Financing Activities
Proceeds from Bonds Payable - - 1,445 - 1,445
Retirement of Bonds and Annuities Payable - (1,990) (4,952) - (6,942)
Interest of Bonds - (3,218) (2,163) - (5,381)
Transfers In - - - - -
Transfers Out - (10,483) (247) - (10,730)
Other Receipts (Payments) - (1,085) (11,461) (20) (12,566)
Net Cash Flows from Noncapital Financing Activities - (16,776) (17,378) (20) (34,174)
Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Activities
Additions to Property, Plant, and Equipment - (63) - - (63)
Interest Paid on Capital Debt - - - - -
Federal Grant - - 9,228 - 9,228
Transfer In - - - - -
Other Receipts (Payments) - - - - -
Net Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Activities - (63) 9,228 - 9,165
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Purchase of Investment Securities - - - - -
Interest on Investments 48 19 1,076 - 1,143
(Increase) Decrease in Restricted Assets - - - - -
Other Receipts (Payments) - - 11,968 - 11,968
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities 48 19 13,044 - 13,111
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (331) 10 (450) (20) (791)
Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning of Year 30,090 88 7,624 20 37,822
Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Year $29,759 $98 $7,174 $- $37,031
Reconciliation of Operating Income (Loss) to Net Cash
Provided by (Used In) Operating Activities
Operating Income (Loss) $454 $13,739 $(4,066) $- $10,127
Adjustments not Affecting Cash:
Depreciation and Amortization - 1,215 - - 1,215
Other - - - - -
Change in Assets and Liabilities:
(Increase) Decrease in Receivables, Net (876) (8) (53) - (937)
(Increase) Decrease in Inventories and Other Assets (1) 468 (1,225) - (758)
Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payables & Accrued Liabilities 44 1,416 - - 1,460
Total Adjustments (833) 3,091 (1,278) - 980
Net Cash Provided by (Used In) Operating Activities $(379) $16,830 $(5,344) $- $11,107