Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013 COMBINING FUNDS STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES - NONMAJOR FUNDS - Combining Statement of Net Assets Nonmajor Component Units

Combining Statement of Net Position
Nonmajor Component Units

June 30, 2013
(Expressed in Thousands)
Higher Connecticut     Clean
Education Health Connecticut   Capital Energy
Supplemental and Educational Resources Connecticut   Region Finance and
Loan Facilities Recovery Innovations, UConn Development Investment
Authority Authority Authority Incorporated Foundation Authority Authority Total
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents $2,230 $227 $87,559 $43,338 $3,726 $5,049 $68,105 $210,234
Investments - 10,638 - 755 369,651 - - 381,044
Accounts, Net of Allowances - 195 17,073 - 7,267 518 4,546 29,599
Loans, Net of Allowances 18,652 - - 7,720 - - - 26,372
Interest Receivable 669 - - 1,068 - - - 1,737
Due From Primary Government - - - 7,220 - - - 7,220
Restricted Assets 37,509 507,778 6,705 - - 1,031 - 553,023
Inventories - - 6,544 - - 100 - 6,644
Other Current Assets 15 91 355 1,019 - 83 898 2,461
Total Current Assets 59,075 518,929 118,236 61,120 380,644 6,781 73,549 1,218,334
Noncurrent Assets:
Investments - - - 64,253 - - 4,788 69,041
Accounts, Net of Allowances - - - - 31,615 - - 31,615
Loans, Net of Allowances 102,743 - - 45,306 - - - 148,049
Restricted Assets 22,036 7,167 8,184 24,717 18,743 5,903 9,537 96,287
Capital Assets, Net of Accumulated Depreciation - 178 111,943 415 6,662 275,417 362 394,977
Other Noncurrent Assets 248 - 1,177 483 956 1,382 11,754 16,000
Total Noncurrent Assets 125,027 7,345 121,304 135,174 57,976 282,702 26,441 755,969
Total Assets 184,102 526,274 239,540 196,294 438,620 289,483 99,990 1,974,303
Deferred Outflows of Resources
Accumulated Decrease in Fair Value of Hedging
Derivatives - - - - - 1,976 - 1,976
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities 797 1,673 20,716 4,170 6,004 2,742 1,816 37,918
Current Portion of Long-Term Obligations 10,275 - 14,214 3,685 255 3,331 - 31,760
Unearned Revenue - - - 663 - - - 663
Due To Primary Government - - - - - - - -
Amounts Held for Institutions - 507,778 - - - - - 507,778
Other Liabilities - - - 5,160 - - - 5,160
Total Current Liabilities 11,072 509,451 34,930 13,678 6,259 6,073 1,816 583,279
Noncurrent Liabilities:
Noncurrent Portion of Long-Term Obligations 158,225 2,182 39,278 12,862 28,855 130,490 - 371,892
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 158,225 2,182 39,278 12,862 28,855 130,490 - 371,892
Total Liabilities 169,297 511,633 74,208 26,540 35,114 136,563 1,816 955,171
Net Position
Net Investment in Capital Assets - 178 111,943 415 (18,784) 143,570 363 237,685
Debt Service 59,545 - - - - - - 59,545
Expendable Endowments - - - - 102,723 - - 102,723
Nonexpendable Endowments - - - - 306,230 - - 306,230
Other Purposes - 4,985 5,058 12,595 - 6,934 8,144 37,716
Unrestricted (Deficit) (44,740) 9,478 48,331 156,744 13,337 4,392 89,667 277,209
Total Net Position $14,805 $14,641 $165,332 $169,754 $403,506 $154,896 $98,174 $1,021,108