Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013 COMBINING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Nonmajor Capital Projects Funds - Combining Balace Sheet

Combining Balance Sheet
Nonmajor Capital Projects Funds
June 30, 2013
(Expressed in Thousands)
Infrastucture Transportation Total
Accounts, Net of Allowances $801 $- $- $801
Due From Other Funds 222,992 272,210 - 495,202
Total Assets $223,793 $272,210 $- $496,003
Liabilities and Fund Balances
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $22,329 $32,001 $- $54,330
Notes Payable - - - -
Due To Other Funds 152,230 279 718 153,227
Unearned Revenue 801 - - 801
Total Liabilities 175,360 32,280 718 208,358
Fund Balances
Restricted 48,433 239,930 - 288,363
Unassigned - - (718) (718)
Total Fund Balances (Deficit) 48,433 239,930 (718) 287,645
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $223,793 $272,210 $- $496,003