Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 10 Capital Assets

Notes to the Financial Statements

June 30, 2013

Capital asset activity for the year was as follows (amounts in thousands):

Beginning Ending
Balance Additions Retirements Balance
Governmental Activities
Capital Assets not being Depreciated:
Land $1,639,097 $48,570 $21,258 $1,666,409
Construction in Progress 2,585,281 1,407,630 993,407 2,999,504
Total Capital Assets not being Depreciated 4,224,378 1,456,200 1,014,665 4,665,913
Other Capital Assets:
Buildings 3,303,574 530,828 218,375 3,616,027
Improvements Other than Buildings 480,180 13,063 2,735 490,508
Equipment 2,109,441 362,386 159,769 2,312,058
Infrastructure 13,023,800 629,234 - 13,653,034
Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost 18,916,995 1,535,511 380,879 20,071,627
Less: Accumulated Depreciation For:
Buildings 1,854,939 90,398 218,375 1,726,962
Improvements Other than Buildings 313,330 24,324 2,735 334,919
Equipment 2,043,520 351,615 159,769 2,235,366
Infrastructure 7,963,700 489,783 - 8,453,483
Total Accumulated Depreciation 12,175,489 956,120 380,879 12,750,730
Other Capital Assets, Net 6,741,506 579,391 - 7,320,897
Governmental Activities, Capital Assets, Net $10,965,884 $2,035,591 $1,014,665 $11,986,810

* Depreciation expense was charged to functions as follows:

Governmental Activities:
Legislative $6,158
General Government 45,162
Regulation and Protection 39,790
Conservation and Development 16,246
Health and Hospitals 15,832
Transportation 709,802
Human Services 2,628
Education, Libraries and Museums 47,360
Corrections 44,091
Judicial 22,763
Capital assets held by the government's internal service funds are charged to the various functions based on the usage of the assets 6,288
Total Depreciation Expense $956,120

* Depreciation expense was charged to functions as follows:

Beginning Ending
Balance Additions Retirements Balance
Business-Type Activities
Capital Assets not being Depreciated:
Land $64,709 $5,109 $150 $69,668
Construction in Progress 423,430 205,576 204,838 424,168
Total Capital Assets not being Depreciated 488,139 210,685 204,988 493,836
Capital Assets being Depreciated:
Buildings 4,163,937 358,169 8,683 4,513,423
Improvements Other Than Buildings 551,434 21,185 1,793 570,826
Equipment 980,593 58,968 34,363 1,005,198
Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost 5,695,964 438,322 44,839 6,089,447
Less: Accumulated Depreciation For:
Buildings 1,651,805 133,820 6,454 1,779,171
Improvements Other Than Buildings 306,938 20,799 495 327,242
Equipment 630,665 69,211 31,987 667,889
Total Accumulated Depreciation 2,589,408 223,830 38,936 2,774,302
Other Capital Assets, Net 3,106,556 214,492 5,903 3,315,145
Business-Type Activities, Capital Assets, Net $3,594,695 $425,177 $210,891 $3,808,981

Component Units
Capital assets of the component units consisted of the following as of June 30, 2013 (amounts in thousands):

Land $29,032
Buildings 346,521
Improvements other than Buildings 3,477
Machinery and Equipment 446,052
Construction in Progress 2,254
Total Capital Assets 827,336
Accumulated Depreciation 427,398
Capital Assets, Net $399,938