Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Statement of Net Assets

Statement of Net Assets
June 30, 2012
(Expressed in Thousands)
Primary Government
Governmental Business-Type Component
Activities Activities Total Units
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents $421,874 $715,380 $1,137,254 $203,543
Deposits with U.S. Treasury - 198,965 198,965 -
Investments 113,087 52,630 165,717 354,474
Receivables, (Net of Allowances) 2,364,105 811,354 3,175,459 47,505
Due from Primary Government - - - 7,259
Inventories 47,959 14,238 62,197 6,479
Restricted Assets - 176,427 176,427 1,629,369
Internal Balances (189,659) 189,659 - -
Other Current Assets 16,784 14,650 31,434 6,994
Total Current Assets 2,774,150 2,173,303 4,947,453 2,255,623
Noncurrent Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents - 355,034 355,034 -
Due From Component Units 23,206 - 23,206 -
Investments - 171,261 171,261 54,042
Receivables, (Net of Allowances) 334,694 734,490 1,069,184 181,145
Restricted Assets 703,376 575,117 1,278,493 4,700,842
Capital Assets, (Net of Accumulated Depreciation) 10,965,884 3,596,806 14,562,690 407,702
Other Noncurrent Assets 109,135 61,081 170,216 22,438
Total Noncurrent Assets 12,136,295 5,493,789 17,630,084 5,366,169
Total Assets 14,910,445 7,667,092 22,577,537 7,621,792
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities 682,804 279,718 962,522 61,161
Notes Payable - - - -
Due to Component Units 7,259 - 7,259 -
Due to Other Governments 197,067 2,558 199,625 -
Current Portion of Long-Term Obligations 1,733,056 194,583 1,927,639 297,672
Amount Held for Institutions - - - 571,404
Deferred Revenue 12,727 229,005 241,732 9,383
Medicaid Liability 547,110 - 547,110 -
Liability for Escheated Property 242,216 - 242,216 -
Other Current Liabilities 76,470 77,859 154,329 31,950
Total Current Liabilities 3,498,709 783,723 4,282,432 971,570
Noncurrent Liabilities:
Non-Current Portion of Long-Term Obligations 26,442,600 2,408,318 28,850,918 4,706,120
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 26,442,600 2,408,318 28,850,918 4,706,120
Total Liabilities 29,941,309 3,192,041 33,133,350 5,677,690
Net Assets
Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt 5,305,440 2,953,034 8,258,474 267,569
Restricted For:
Transportation 119,222 - 119,222 -
Debt Service 664,714 25,827 690,541 20,292
Federal Grants and Other Accounts 407,731 - 407,731 -
Capital Projects 236,469 261,102 497,571 -
Unemployment Compensation - - - -
Clean Water and Drinking Water Projects - 618,956 618,956 -
Bond Indenture Requirements - 2,109 2,109 993,296
Loans - 3,506 3,506 -
Permanent Investments or Endowments:
Expendable 940 - 940 93,929
Nonexpendable 100,659 11,994 112,653 283,329
Other Purposes 112,238 182,206 294,444 46,652
Unrestricted (Deficit) (21,978,277) 416,317 (21,561,960) 239,035
Total Net Assets (Deficit) $(15,030,864) $4,475,051 $(10,555,813) $1,944,102

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.