Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Combining Statement of Net Assets Component Unit

Statement of Net Assets
Component Units
June 30, 2012
(Expressed in Thousands)
Connecticut Connecticut
Housing Health
Finance and Educational Other
Authority Facilities Component
Assets (12-31-11) Authority Units Total
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents $- $276 $203,267 $203,543
Investments - 7,941 346,533 354,474
Accounts, Net of Allowances - 379 24,818 25,197
Loans, Net of Allowances - - 21,251 21,251
Other - - 1,057 1,057
Due From Primary Government - - 7,259 7,259
Restricted Assets 994,819 571,404 63,146 1,629,369
Inventories - - 6,479 6,479
Other Current Assets - 123 6,871 6,994
Total Current Assets 994,819 580,123 680,681 2,255,623
Noncurrent Assets:
Investments - - 54,042 54,042
Accounts, Net of Allowances - - 22,972 22,972
Loans, Net of Allowances - - 158,173 158,173
Restricted Assets 4,625,687 7,257 67,898 4,700,842
Capital Assets, Net of Accumulated Depreciation 3,478 158 404,066 407,702
Other Noncurrent Assets - - 22,438 22,438
Total Noncurrent Assets 4,629,165 7,415 729,589 5,366,169
Total Assets 5,623,984 587,538 1,410,270 7,621,792
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities 27,729 657 32,775 61,161
Current Portion of Long-Term Obligations 271,780 - 25,892 297,672
Deferred Revenue - - 9,383 9,383
Amount Held for Institutions - 571,404 - 571,404
Other Liabilities 26,876 - 5,074 31,950
Total Current Liabilities 326,385 572,061 73,124 971,570
Noncurrent Liabilities:
Noncurrent Portion of Long-Term Obligations 4,339,878 2,191 364,051 4,706,120
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 4,339,878 2,191 364,051 4,706,120
Total Liabilities 4,666,263 574,252 437,175 5,677,690
Net Assets
Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt 3,478 158 263,933 267,569
Debt Service - - 20,292 20,292
Bond Indentures 993,296 - - 993,296
Expendable Endowments - - 93,929 93,929
Nonexpendable Endowments - - 283,329 283,329
Capital Projects - - - -
Other Purposes - 5,066 41,586 46,652
Unrestricted (Deficit) (39,053) 8,062 270,026 239,035
Total Net Assets $957,721 $13,286 $973,095 $1,944,102

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.